Publications of the faculty of the
Mathematics Department at WWU

We want to make this list as comprehensive as possible. Currently the list contains 714 items.
Please email suggestions to Branko Ćurgus.

Bold font-weight on gray background means Current Faculty.
Normal font-weight   on gray background  means  Former Faculty.
Bold font-weight underlined on gray background means Current or Former Student.

  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof: Convex Interval Hull of Finite Sets in Real Linear Spaces: Extreme Points and Unbounded Images. Journal of Convex Analysis 33 (2026), no. 1, 1-18.
  1. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro; Zhao, Tengfei: Fractional Leibniz rule on the torus. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 153 (2025), 207-221, DOI: 10.1090/proc/17007
  2. Bényi, Árpád; Torres, Rodolfo H.: An update on the compactness of bilinear commutators, In The Mathematical Heritage of Guido Weiss, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser (2025), 83-100. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-76793-7_4
  3. Bényi, Árpád; Li, Guopeng; Oh, Tadahiro; Torres, Rodolfo H.: Compact bilinear operators and paraproducts revisited, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 68 , no. 1, March 2025, 44-59 DOI: 10.4153/S000843952400047X
  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Derkach, Volodymyr; Trunk, Carsten: Indefinite Sturm–Liouville Operators in Polar Form. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 96 (2024) no. 1, Article number 2. DOI:10.1007/s00020-023-02746-3
  2. Larios, Adam; Pei, Yuan: Nonlinear continuous data assimilation. Evolution equations and Control Theory 13 (2024), no. 2, 329-348. DOI:10.3934/eect.2023048
  3. Beneish, Lea; Berg, Jennifer; Goedhart, Eva; Kadhem, Hussain M.; Serrano López, Allechar; Treneer, Stephanie: Replicable functions arising from code-lattice VOAs fixed by automorphisms. Journal of Algebra 642 (2024), 159-202. DOI:/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2023.12.008
  4. Bényi, Árpád: Diophantine approximations for a class of recursive sequences. The Mathematical Gazette 108.41 (2024), 518-521. DOI: 10.1017/mag.2024.125
  5. Zhu, Yanan; Zhang, Naimin; Chao, Zhen: Two Block Splitting Iteration Methods for Solving Complex Symmetric Linear Systems from Complex Helmholtz Equation. Mathematics 2024, 12(12). DOI: 10.3390/math12121888
  6. Islambouli, Gabriel; Karimi, Homayun; Lambert-Cole, Peter; Meier, Jeffrey: Toric multisections and curves in rational surfaces. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 73 (2024), no. 4, 1269–1306. DOI: 10.1512/iumj.2024.73.9945
  7. Jeon, Seongmin; Petrosyan, Arshak; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: Almost minimizers for the thin obstacle problem with variable coefficients. Interfaces and Free Boundaries 26 (2024), no. 3, 321–380. DOI: 10.4171/IFB/507
  8. Blair, Ryan; Cahn, Patricia; Kjuchukova, Alexandra; Meier, Jeffrey: Note on three-fold branched covers of \(S^4\). Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier 74 (2024), no. 2, 849–866. DOI: 10.5802/aif.3588
  9. Chan, Daniel; Nyman, Adam: Noncommutative linear systems and noncommutative elliptic curves. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 377 (2024), no. 3, 1957–1987. DOI:10.1090/tran/9051
  10. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo; Kiderlen, Markus: The Pólya-Szegő inequality for smoothing rearrangements. Journal of Functional Analysis 287 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 110422, 56 pp. DOI:10.1016/j.jfa.2024.110422
  11. Meier, Jeffrey: Filling braided links with trisected surfaces. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 24 (2024), no. 2, 803–895. DOI: 10.2140/agt.2024.24.803
  12. Allen, Mark; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: Two-phase almost minimizers for a fractional free boundary problem. NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 31 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 45, 39 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s00030-024-00937-4
  13. Glimm, T.; Gruszka, Daniel: Modeling the interplay of oscillatory synchronization and aggregation via cell-cell adhesion. Nonlinearity 37 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 035016, 30 pp. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6544/ad237a
  14. Davey, Blair; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: Variable-coefficient parabolic theory as a high-dimensional limit of elliptic theory. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 63 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 40, 47 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s00526-023-02644-x
  15. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Ward, Mayla C.: Asymptotic optimality of the square-root transformation on the gamma distribution using the Kullback-Leibler information number criterion. Statistics & Probability Letters 210 (2024), Paper No. 110118, 7 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2024.110118
  1. Glimm, T.; Kaźmierczak, B.; Newman, S. A.; Bhat, R.: A two-galectin network establishes mesenchymal condensation phenotype in limb development. Mathematical Biosciences 365 (2023), Paper No. 109054, 10 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109054
  2. Goebel, Russell; Schmaltz, Austin; Brackett, Beth Ann; Wood, Spencer A.; Noguchi, Kimihiro: Modeling and forecasting percent changes in national park visitation using social media. Journal of Forecasting 42 (2023), no.6, 1502-1518. DOI: 10.1002/for.2965
  3. Meier, Jeffrey; Orson, Patrick; Ray, Arunima: Null, recursively starlike-equivalent decompositions shrink. Glasgow Mathematical Journal 65 (2023), no.2, 328–336. DOI: 10.1017/S0017089522000337
  4. Berget, Andrew; Eur, Christopher; Spink, Hunter; Tseng, Dennis: Tautological classes of matroids. Inventiones Mathematicae 233 (2023), no.2, 951–1039. DOI: 10.1007/s00222-023-01194-5
  5. Auckly, Dave; Kim, Hee Jung; Melvin, Paul; Ruberman, Daniel: Equivariant hyperbolization of 3-manifolds via homology cobordisms. Topology and its Applications 333 (2023), Paper No. 108485, 24 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2023.108485
  6. Bloom, Walter R.; Gardner, Richard J.; Hales, Al; Spencer, Joel; Tao, Terence; Weiss, Benjamin: Robert Israel ``Bob'' Jewett (1937–2022). Notices of the American Mathematical Society 70 (2023), no. 5, 772–781.
  7. González, Nicolle; Harris, Pamela E.; Rojas Kirby, Gordon; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana; Tenner, Bridget Eileen: Pinnacle sets of signed permutations. Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023), no.7, Paper No. 113439, 12 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2023.113439
  8. Cahill, Jameson; Mixon, Dustin G.; Parshall, Hans: Lie PCA: density estimation for symmetric manifolds. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 65 (2023), 279–295. DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2023.03.001
  9. Alcantara, Ida Marie; Naranjo, Joshua; Lang, Yanda: Model selection using PRESS statistic. Computational Statistics 38 (2023), no.1, 285–298. DOI: 10.1007/s00180-022-01228-1
  10. David, Guy; Engelstein, Max; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana; Toro, Tatiana: Branch points for (almost-)minimizers of two-phase free boundary problems. Forum of Mathematics. Sigma 11 (2023), Paper No. e1, 28 pp. DOI: 10.1017/fms.2022.105
  11. Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: Operators without eigenvalues in finite-dimensional vector spaces: Essential uniqueness of the model. Linear Algebra and its Applications 679 (2023), 86–98. DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2023.09.001
  12. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: Discrete bilinear operators and commutators. Journal of Geometric Analysis 33 (2023), no.3, Paper No. 102, 16 pp DOI: 10.1007/s12220-022-01136-2
  13. Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: An Overview of Almost Minimizers of Bernoulli-Type Functionals. In: Mengesha, T., Salgado, A.J. (eds) A³N²M: Approximation, Applications, and Analysis of Nonlocal, Nonlinear Models. The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 165 (2023), Springer, Cham. pp 295–319. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34089-5_8
  14. Zhang, Jianying: Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Bingham Fluid Flow Simulation Coupled with an Augmented Lagrange Method. AppliedMath 3 (2023), no. 3, 525-551. DOI: 10.3390/appliedmath3030028
  15. Chao, Zhen; Chen, Jingchun; He, Cong; Dispersive estimates for kinetic transport equation in modulation spaces. Filomat 37 (2023), no. 28, 9587–9593. DOI: 10.2298/FIL2328587C
  1. Gay, David; Meier, Jeffrey: Doubly pointed trisection diagrams and surgery on 2-knots. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 172 (2022), no. 1, 163–195. DOI: 10.1017/S0305004121000165
  2. Alcantara, Ida; Naranjo, Joshua; Lang, Yanda: Model Selection Using PRESS Statistic. Computational Statistics DOI: 10.1007/s00180-022-01228-1
  3. Richey, Jacob; Sarkar, Amites: Intersections of random sets. Journal of Applied Probability 59 (2022), no. 1, 131–151. DOI: 10.1017/jpr.2021.34
  4. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo: Full rotational symmetry from reflections or rotational symmetries in finitely many subspaces. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 71 (2022), no. 2, 767-784. DOI:10.1512/iumj.2022.71.9818
  5. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo: Convergence of symmetrization processes. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 71 (2022), no. 2, 785-817. DOI:10.1512/iumj.2022.71.9170
  6. Chan, Victor: MSE-optimal K-factor of the Elo rating system for round-robin tournament Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports vol. 18, no. 1, 2022, pp. 59-72. DOI:10.1515/jqas-2021-0079
  7. Mixon, Dustin G.; Parshall, Hans; Pi, Jianzong: Neural collapse with unconstrained features. Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 20 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 11, 13 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s43670-022-00027-5
  8. Joseph, Jason; Meier, Jeffrey; Miller, Maggie; Zupan, Alexander: Bridge trisections and classical knotted surface theory. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 319 (2022), no. 2, 343–369. DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2022.319.343
  9. Berget, Andrew; Fink, Alex: Equivariant $K$-theory classes of matrix orbit closures. International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN(2022), no. 18, 14105–14133. DOI:10.1093/imrn/rnab135
  10. Lambert-Cole, Peter; Meier, Jeffrey: Bridge trisections in rational surfaces. Journal of Topology and Analysis 14 (2022), no. 3, 655–708. DOI: 10.1142/S1793525321500047
  1. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Robles, Koby F.: On Generating Distributions with the Memoryless Property. The American Statistician online. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2021.2006782
  2. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Konietschke, Frank; Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando; Pauly, Markus: Permutation tests are robust and powerful at 0.5% and 5% significance levels. Behavior Research Methods 53 (2021) 2712-2724. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01595-5
  3. Pei, Yuan: Regularity and Convergence Results of the Velocity-Vorticity-Voigt Model of the 3D Boussinesq Equations. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 176, Article number: 8 (2021). DOI:10.1007/s10440-021-00453-y
  4. Piyadi Gamage, R.D.; Ning, W.: Empirical Likelihood for Change Point Detection in Time Series Models. Journal of Korean Statistical Society, 50 (2021), no. 1, 69–97. DOI:10.1007/s42952-020-00061-w
  5. David, Guy; Engelstein, Max; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana; Toro, Tatiana: Regularity for almost-minimizers of variable coefficient Bernoulli-type functionals. Mathematische Zeitschrift 299 (2021), no. 3-4, 2131–2169 DOI: s00209-021-02719-5
  6. Akman, Murat; Banerjee, Agnid; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: On a Bernoulli-type overdetermined free boundary problem. Annales Fennici Mathematici 46 (2021), no. 2, 601–618.
  7. Lambert-Cole, Peter; Meier, Jeffrey; Starkston, Laura: Symplectic 4-manifolds admit Weinstein trisections. Journal of Topology 14 (2021), no. 2, 641–673. DOI: 10.1112/topo.12192
  8. Chan, D.; Nyman, A.: Morphisms to noncommutative projective lines. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149 (2021), no. 7, 2789–2803. DOI: 10.1090/proc/15386
  9. Day, A. Nicholas; Sarkar, Amites: On a conjecture of Nagy on extremal densities. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35 (2021), no. 1, 294–306. DOI: 10.1137/19M1296525
  10. Aceto, Paolo; Meier, Jeffrey; Miller, Allison N.; Miller, Maggie; Park, JungHwan; Stipsicz, András I.: Branched covers bounding rational homology balls. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 21 (2021), no. 7, 3569–3599. DOI: 10.2140/agt.2021.21.3569
  11. Mori, I.; Nyman, A: Local duality for connected $\mathbb{Z}$-algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225 (2021), no. 9, Paper No. 106676, 22 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2021.106676
  12. Magsino, Mark; Mixon, Dustin G.; Parshall, Hans: Kesten-McKay law for random subensembles of Paley equiangular tight frames. Constructive Approximation. An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions 53 (2021), no. 2, 381–402. DOI: 10.1007/s00365-020-09516-z
  13. Ryan, Nathan C.; Scherr, Zachary; Sirolli, Nicolás; Treneer, Stephanie: Congruences satisfied by eta-quotients. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149 (2021), no. 3, 1039–1051. DOI: 10.1090/proc/15293
  14. Gardner, Richard J.: Washek Pfeffer: November 14, 1936–January 3, 2021 [Obituary]. Real Analysis Exchange 46 (2021), no. 2, 269–278.
  15. Glimm, T.; Kiskowski, M.; Moreno N.; Chiari, Y.: Capturing and analyzing pattern diversity: an example using the melanistic spotted patterns of leopard geckos. PeerJ Life & Environment 2021 Sep 10;9:e11829. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11829
  16. Newman, S.A.; Bhat, R.; Glimm, T.: Spatial waves and temporal oscillations in vertebrate limb development. Biosystems 2021 Oct;208:104502. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2021.104502
  1. Bényi, Árpád; Okoudjou, Kasso A.: Modulation Spaces. With Applications to Pseudodifferential Operators and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations. Series: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser, 2020. 1st edition, XVI+169 pp. ISBN 978-1-07-160332-1

  2. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Numerical solution of separable nonlinear equations with a singular matrix at the solution. Numerical Algorithms 85 (2020) no. 4, 1195-1211. DOI:10.1007/s11075-019-00861-0
  3. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: Modulation spaces with scaling symmetry. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 48 (2020) no. 1, 496-507 DOI:10.1016/j.acha.2019.04.005
  4. Barnard, Richard C.; Steinerberger, Stefan: Three convolution inequalities on the real line with connections to additive combinatorics. Journal of Number Theory 207 (2020), 42-55. DOI:10.1016/j.jnt.2019.07.001
  5. Gardner, Richard J.; Hug, Daniel; Xing, Sudan; Ye, Deping: General volumes in the Orlicz–Brunn–Minkowski theory and a related Minkowski problem II. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59 (2020), no. 1, Article 15, 33pp. DOI:10.1007/s00526-019-1657-2
  6. Bényi, Árpád; Martell, José María; Moen, Kabe; Stachura, Eric; Torres, Rodolfo H.: Boundedness results for commutators with BMO functions via weighted estimates: a comprehensive approach. Mathematische Annalen 376 (2020), 61-102. DOI:10.1007/s00208-019-01870-z
  7. Chatterjee, Paramita; Glimm, Tilmann; Kazmierczak, Bogdan: Mathematical modeling of chondrogenic pattern formation during limb development: Recent advances in continuous models. Mathematical Biosciences 322 (2020) 108319 DOI:10.1016\j.mbs.2020.108319
  8. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Abel, Riley S.; Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando; Konietschke, Frank: Nonparametric multiple comparisons. Behavior Research Methods 52 (2020) 489-502. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-019-01247-9
  9. Andreux, Mathieu; Angles, Tomás; Exarchakis, Georgios; Leonarduzzi, Roberto; Rochette, Gaspar; Thiry, Louis; Zarka, John; Mallat, Stéphane; Andén, Joakim; Belilovsky, Eugene; Bruna, Joan; Lostanlen, Vincent; Chaudhary, Muawiz; Hirn, Matthew J.; Oyallon, Edouard; Zhang, Sixin; Cella, Carmine; Eickenberg, Michael: Kymatio - Scattering Transforms in Python. Journal of Machine Learning Research 21(60):1-6, 2020.
  10. Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: Operators without eigenvalues in finite-dimensional vector spaces. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 605 (2020) 63-117. DOI:10.1016/j.laa.2020.07.007.
  11. Larios, Adam; Pei, Yuan: Approximate continuous data assimilation of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations via the Voigt-regularization with observable data. Evolution equations and Control Theory 9 (2020), no. 3, 733-751. DOI:10.3934/eect.2020031
  12. Erps, Ryan C.; Noguchi, Kimihiro: A robust test for checking the homogeneity of variability measures and its application to the analysis of implicit attitudes. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 45 (2020), no. 4, 403-425. DOI: 10.3102/1076998619883874
  13. Zhang, Jianying: Stability of Linear Multistep Time Iterations with the WENO5 Discretization at Discontinuities. Journal of Scientific Computing 84 (2020), no. 3, Paper No. 48, 24 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s10915-020-01300-2
  14. Allen, Mark; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: The fractional unstable obstacle problem. Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. 193 (2020), 111459, 19 pp. DOI: 10.1016/
  15. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo; Kiderlen, Markus: Rearrangement and polarization. Advances in Mathematics 374 (2020), 107380, 51 pp. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2020.107380
  16. Piyadi Gamage, R.D.; Chen, Y.J.; Ning, W.: Modi ed Jackknife Empirical Likelihood. Advances and Applications in Statistics, 60 (2020) no. 2, 201-215. DOI:10.17654/AS060020201
  17. Piyadi Gamage, R.D.; Ning, W.: Inference for Long-memory Time Series Models Based on Modi ed Empirical Likelihood. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 49 (2020) no. 5, 68-79. DOI:10.17713/ajs.v49i5.983
  18. Kim, Hee Jung; Ruberman, Daniel: Topological spines of 4-manifolds. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 20 (2020), no. 7, 3589-3606. DOI:10.2140/agt.2020.20.3589
  19. Glimm, Tilmann; Zhang, Jianying: Numerical approach to a nonlocal advection-reaction-diffusion model of cartilage pattern formation. Mathematical and Computational Applications 25 (2020), no. 2, Paper No. 36, 21 pp. DOI:10.3390/mca25020036
  20. Glimm, T.; Bhat, R.; Newman, S.A.: Multiscale modeling of vertebrate limb development. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 12 (2020) no. 4 e1485. DOI: 10.1002/wsbm.1485
  1. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Solving separable nonlinear least squares problems using the QR factorization. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 345 (2019), 48-58. DOI:10.1016/
  2. Pei, Yuan: Continuous data assimilation for the 3D primitive equations of the ocean. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 18 (2019), no. 2, 643-661. DOI:10.3934/cpaa.2019032
  3. Larios, Adam; Pei, Yuan; Rebholz, Leo: Global well-posedness of the velocity-vorticity-Voigt of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Differential Equations 266 (2019), no. 5, 2435-2465. DOI:10.1016/j.jde.2018.08.033
  4. Gardner, Richard J.; Hug, Daniel; Weil, Wolfgang; Xing, Sudan; Ye, Deping: General volumes in the Orlicz–Brunn–Minkowski theory and a related Minkowski problem I. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 58 (2019), no. 1, 58:12. DOI:10.1007/s00526-018-1449-0
  5. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro; Pocovnicu, Oana: On the probabilistic Cauchy theory for nonlinear dispersive PDEs. Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhδuser/Springer, 1-32 (2019). DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-05210-2_1
  6. Bényi, Árpád; Chafee, Lucas; Naibo, Virginia: Strongly singular bilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators and a class of bilinear pseudodifferential operators, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 71 (2019), no. 2, 569-587. DOI:10.2969/jmsj/79327932
  7. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro; Pocovnicu, Oana: Higher order expansions for the probabilistic local Cauchy theory of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on $\mathbb{R}^3$. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Ser. B 6 (2019), 114-160 DOI:10.1090/btran/29
  8. Nyman, A.: An abstract characterization of noncommutative projective lines. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 13 (2019), no. 7, 517-552. DOI: 10.4171/JNCG/329
  9. Nyman, A.; Chan, D.: A representation theoretic study of non-commutative symmetric algebras. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 63 (2019), no. 3, 875-887. DOI: 10.1017/S0013091518000871
  10. Kiskowski, Maria; Glimm, Tilmann; Moreno, Nickolas; Gamble, Tony; Chiari, Ylenia: Isolating and quantifying the role of developmental noise in generating phenotypic variation. PLoS Computational Biology 15(4): e1006943 (2019) DOI:10.1371/journal. pcbi.1006943
  11. Bhat, R.; Glimm, T.; Linde-Medina, M.; Cui, C.; Newman, S. A.: Synchronization of Hes1 Oscillations Coordinates and Refines Condensation Formation and Patterning of the Avian Limb Skeleton. Mechanisms of Development 48 (2019) no. 156, 41-54 DOI:10.1016\j.mod.2019.03.001
  12. Noguchi, Mamiko; Glinka, Michal; Mayberry, Graham R.; Noguchi, Kimihiro; Callaghan, Jack P.: Are hybrid sit-stand postures a good compromise between sitting and standing? Ergonomics 62 (2019) Issue 6, 811-822. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2019.1577496
  13. Tugac, Naime; Gonzalez, David; Noguchi, Kimihiro; Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ewa: The role of somatosensory input in target localization during binocular and monocular viewing while performing a high precision reaching and placement task. Experimental Eye Research 183 (2019) 76-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.08.013
  14. Piyadi Gamage, R.D.; Ning, W.: Inference for Short-memory Time Series Models Based on Modi ed Empirical Likelihood. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 62(2019) no. 3, 322-339. DOI: 10.1111/anzs.12305
  1. Chaffee, Lucas; Cruz-Uribe, David, OFS: Necessary conditions for the boundedness of linear and bilinear commutators on Banach function spaces. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 21 (2018) no. 1, 1-16. DOI:10.7153/mia-2018-21-01
  2. Takematsu, Eri; Noguchi, Kimihiro; Kuroda, Kensuke; Ikoma, Toshiyuki; Niinomi, Mitsuo; Matsushita, Nobuhiro: In vivo osteoconductivity of surface modified Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr alloy with low dissolution of toxic trace elements. PLoS ONE 13(1) (2018) e0189967. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189967
  3. Bényi, Árpád; Naibo, Virginia: Commutators of bilinear pseudodifferential operators and Lipschitz functions. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 24 (2018), no. 3, 759-779. DOI:10.1007/s00041-016-9519-1
  4. Chaffee, Lucas; Chen, Peng; Han, Yanchang; Torres, Rodolfo H.; Ward, Lesley A.: Characterization of compactness of commutators of bilinear singular integral operators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 3943-3953. DOI:10.1090/proc/14050
  5. Fujita, Shinya; Liu, Henry; Sarkar, Amites: Highly connected subgraphs of graphs with given independence number. European Journal of Combinatorics 70 (2018), 212–218. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2018.01.004
  6. Amiran, Edoh Y.; Hagen, Daniel A: What do income tests tell us about the gap between WTA and WTP for public goods? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 90 (2018), 134-146. DOI:10.1016/j.jeem.2018.05.001
  7. Bényi, Árpád; Casu, Ioan: A happy case of mathematical (mis)induction. Gazeta Matematica Seria A (2018), no. 1-2, 41-44.
  8. Gardner, Richard J.; Kiderlen, Markus: Operations between functions. Communications in Analysis and Geometry 26 (2018), no. 4, 787-855. DOI:10.4310/CAG.2018.v26.n4.a5
  9. Berget, Andrew; Fink, Alex: Matrix orbit closures. Beitrδge zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 59 (2018), no. 3, 397–430. DOI:10.1007/s13366-018-0402-x
  10. Berget, Andrew: Internal zonotopal algebras and the monomial reflection groups $G(m,1,n).$ Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 159 (2018), 1–25. DOI:10.1016/j.jcta.2018.05.001
  11. Borda, Emily; Warren, Shannon; Cookie, Tracy L.; Larson, Bruce E.; Hanley, Dan; Cohen, Jessica: Cross-disciplinary, whole school education reform in secondary schools: Three critical components. School-University Partnerships 11 (2018), no. 1, 46-56.
  12. Newman, S. A. Glimm, T.; Bhat, R.: The vertebrate limb: An evolving complex of self-organizing systems. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 137 (2018), 12-24 DOI:10.1016\j.pbiomolbio.2018.01.002
  13. Garofalo, Nicola; Petrosyan, Arshak; Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana: The Singular Free Boundary in the Signorini Problem for Variable Coefficients. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 67 (2018), no.5, 1893-1934. DOI: 10.1512/iumj.2018.67.7464
  1. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo: Symmetrization in geometry. Advances in Mathematics 306 (2017), 51-88. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2016.10.003
  2. Chaffee, Lucas; Hart, Jarod; Oliveira, Lucas: Sobolev-BMO and fractional integrals on super-critical ranges of Lebesgue spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (2017) no. 2, 631-660. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2016.10.015
  3. Glimm, Tilmann; Zhang, Jianying; Shen, Yun-Qiu: Stability of Turing-Type Patterns in a Reaction–Diffusion System with an External Gradient. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27 (2017), no.  1, 1750003 (13 pages). DOI:10.1142/S0218127417500031
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  9. Johnston, Daniel; Palmer, Cory; Sarkar, Amites: Rainbow Turαn problems for paths and forests of stars. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (2017), no. 1, Paper 1.34, 15 pp.
  10. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: An efficient algorithm for the separable nonlinear least squares problem. Algorithms 10 (2017), no. 3, 10 pp. DOI:10.3390/a10030078
  11. Bényi, Árpád; Torres, Rodolfo H.: The discrete Calderón reproducing formula of Frazier and Jawerth. Contemporary Mathematics 693 (2017), 79-108.
  12. Welder, R. M., Prasad, P., Castro-Superfine, A., OlanDeveloping a framework for mathematical knowledge for improving the content preparation of elementary teachers. In E. Galindo & J. Newton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN: Purdue University (2017).
  13. Hansen, Benjamin; Noguchi, Kimihiro: Improved short-term point and interval forecasts of the daily maximum tropospheric ozone levels via singular spectrum analysis. Environmetrics 28 (2017), e2479. DOI: 10.1002/env.2479
  14. Berget, Andrew; Fink, Alex: Equivariant Chow classes of matrix orbit closures. Transformation Groups 22 (2017), no. 3, 631–643. DOI:10.1007/s00031-016-9406-5
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  16. Markworth, Kimberly A.: Cloud clock. Teaching Children Mathematics, 24 (2017) no. 2, 74-77.
  17. Brobst, J.; Markworth, K. A., Tasker, T.; Ohana, C.: Comparing the preparedness, content knowledge, and instructional quality of elementary science specialists and self-contained teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 54 (2017) no. 10, 1302-1321. DOI:10.1002/tea.21406
  18. Sumner, R.; Eiselt, S.; Kilburn, T.; Erickson, C.; Carlson, B.; Gamelin, D.; McDowall, S.; Patrick, D.: Analysis of Optical Losses in High-Efficiency CuInS¬2/CdS Nanocrystal Luminescent Solar Concentrators: Balancing Absorption vs. Scattering. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (6) (2017), pp 3252-3260. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12379
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  1. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Rank deficiencies and bifurcation into affine subspaces for separable parameterized equations. Mathematics of Computation Volume 85 (2016), 271-293. DOI:10.1090/mcom/2968
  2. Markworth, K. A.; McCool, J.; Kosiak, J.: Problem solving in all seasons: Grades 3-5. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2016.
  3. Thanheiser, Eva; Olanoff, Dana; Hillen, Amy; Feldman. Ziv; Tobias, Jennifer M.; Welder, Rachael M.: Reflective analysis as a tool for task redesign: The case of prospective elementary teachers solving and posing fraction comparison problems. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 19 (2016) no. 2, 123-148. DOI:10.1007/s10857-015-9334-7
  4. Campi, Stefano; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo: Reverse and dual Loomis-Whitney-type inequalities. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368 (2016), no. 7, 5093-5124. DOI:10.1090/tran/6668
  5. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Aue, Alexander; Burman, Prabir: Exploratory analysis and modeling of stock returns. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 25(2) (2016), 363-381. DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2014.988338
  6. Noguchi, Mamiko; Gooyers, Chad E.; Karakolis, Thomas; Noguchi, Kimihiro; Callaghan, Jack P.: Is intervertebral disc pressure linked to herniation?: An in-vitro study using a porcine model. Journal of Biomechanics 49(9) (2016), 1824-1830. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.04.018
  7. Hartenstine, David; Rudd, Matthew: Perron's method for $p$-harmonious functions. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 123, 1-12.
  8. Dulio, Paolo; Gardner, Richard J.; Peri, Carla: Characterizing the dual mixed volume via additive functionals. Indiana University Mathematics Journal 65 (2016), no. 1, 69–91.
  9. Zhang, Jianying: An augmented Lagrangian approach with enhanced local refinement to simulating yield stress fluid flows around a spherical gas bubble. Forging connections between computational mathematics and computational geometry, 3–12, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 124, Springer, Cham, 2016.
  10. Sarkar, Amites: Secrecy coverage in two dimensions. Advances in Applied Probability 48 (2016), no. 1, 1–12.
  11. Folsom, Amanda; Garthwaite, Sharon; Kang, Soon-Yi; Swisher, Holly; Treneer, Stephanie: Quantum mock modular forms arising from eta-theta functions. Research in Number Theory 2 (2016) 2:14. DOI:10.1007/s40993-016-0045-7
  12. Nyman, A.; Smith, S. P.: A generalization of Watts's theorem: right exact functors on module categories. Communications in Algebra 44 (2016), no. 7, 3160-3170. DOI:10.1080/00927872.2015.1065873
  13. Nyman, A.: Witt's theorem for noncommutative conic curves. Applied Categorical Structures 24 (2016), no. 4, 407–420. DOI:10.1007/s10485-015-9402-2
  14. Chan, D.; Nyman, A.: Species and non-commutative $\mathbb P^1$’s over non-algebraic bimodules. Journal of Algebra 460 (2016), 143–180. DOI:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2016.03.048
  15. Noguchi, Kimihiro; Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando: Assessing equality of means using the overlap of range-preserving confidence intervals. The American Statistician 70(4) (2016), 325-334. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2016.1200487
  16. Bényi, Árpád; I. Caşu: On a two parameter class of quadratic Diophantine equations, Gazeta Matematica Seria A (2016), Nr. 1-2, 1-6.
  17. Azizov, Tomas; Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: Finite-codimensional compressions of symmetric and self-adjoint linear relations in Krein spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 86 (2016) no. 1, 71-95. DOI:10.1007/s00020-016-2313-2.
  18. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites: Barrier coverage. Random Structures Algorithms 49 (2016), no. 3, 429–478. DOI: 10.1007/10.1002/rsa.20656.
  19. Bhat, Ramray; Chakraborty, Mahul; Glimm, Tilmann; Stewart, Thomas A.; Newman, Stuart A.: Deep phylogenomics of a tandem-repeat galectin regulating appendicular skeletal pattern formation. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16 (2016), no. 1, 162 (11 pages). DOI: 10.1186/s12862-016-0729-6.
  20. Yow, Jan; Eli, Jennifer; Beisiegal, Mary; McCloskey, Andrea; Welder, Rachael: Challenging transitions and crossing borders: Preparing novice mathematics teacher educators to support novice K-12 mathematics teachers. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 18 (2016). no. 1, 52-69.
  21. Welder, R. M.; Appova, A.; Olanoff, D.; Taylor, C. E.' Kulow, T.: Improving preservice elementary teacher education through the preparation and support of elementary mathematics teacher educators. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1713-1722). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, 2016.
  22. Olanoff, D.; Feldman, Z.; Welder, R. M.; Tobias, J. M.; Thanheiser, E.; Hillen, A.: Greater Number of Larger Pieces: A Strategy to Promote Prospective Teachers' Fraction Number Sense Development. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 799-805). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona, 2016.
  23. Feldman, Z.; Thanheiser, E.; Welder, R. M.; Tobias, J. M.; Hillen, A. F.; Olanoff, D.: When is a mathematical task a good task? In L. C. Hart, S. Oesterle, S. S. Auslander, & A. Kajander (Eds.), The Mathematics Education of Elementary Teachers: Issues and Strategies for Content Courses (pp. 9-24). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2016.
  24. Markworth, K. A.; Brobst, J.; Ohana, C.; Parker, R.: Elementary content specialization: Models, affordances, and constraints. The International Journal of STEM Education. (2016) 3:16. DOI: 10.1186/s40594-016-0049-9
  25. Markworth, K. A.: A repeat look at repeating patterns. Teaching Children Mathematics, 23 (2016), no. 1, 22-29.
  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Jewett, Robert I.: Somewhat stochastic matrices. The American Mathematical Monthly 122 (2015) no. 1, 36-42. DOI:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.122.01.36.
  2. Bényi, Árpád; Damián, Wendolin; Moen, Kabe; Torres, Rodolfo: Compact bilinear commutators: The weighted case, Michigan Mathematical Journal 64 (2015), no. 1, 39-51. DOI:10.1307/mmj/1427203284
  3. Razumiejczyk, Eugenia; Macbeth, Guillermo; Marmolejo-Ramos, Fernando; Noguchi, Kimihiro: Crossmodal integration between visual linguistic information and flavour perception. Appetite 91 (2015), 76-82. DOI:10.1016/j.appet.2015.03.035
  4. Bényi, Árpád; Damián, Wendolin; Moen, Kabe; Torres, Rodolfo: Compactness properties of commutators of bilinear fractional integrals. Mathematische Zeitschrift 280 (2015), no. 1-2, 569-582. DOI:10.1007/s00209-015-1437-4
  5. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro; Pocovnicu, Oana: On the probabilistic Cauchy theory of the cubic nonlinear Schrφdinger equation on ${\mathbb R}^3, d \geq 3$. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Series B 2 (2015), 1-50. DOI:/10.1090/btran/6
  6. Ćurgus, Branko; Derkach, Vladimir: Partially fundamentally reducible operators in Krein spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 82 (2015) no. 4, 469-518. DOI:10.1007/s00020-014-2204-3
  7. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: Linear and bilinear $T(b)$ theorems ΰ la Stein. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Series B 2 (2015), 1-16. DOI:/10.1090/bproc/18
  8. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro; Pocovnicu, Oana: Wiener randomization on unbounded domains and an application to almost sure well-posedness of NLS, Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 4, pp. 3-25. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser, 2015.
  9. Chan, Whei-Ching C.; Shen, Yun-Qiu: Synchronization of coupled systems to periodic diagonal solutions with synchronized asymptotic phases. The Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 5 (2015), no. 4, 721–730. DOI:10.11948/2015055
  10. Gardner, Richard J.; Hug, Daniel; Weil, Wolfgang; Ye, Deping: The dual Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski theory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 430 (2015), no. 2, 810–829. DOI:10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.05.016
  11. Nyman, A.: Noncommutative Tsen's theorem in dimension one. Journal of Algebra 434 (2015), 90–114. DOI:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2015.03.029
  12. Miller, M.; Carroll, D.; Jancic, M.; Markworth, K. A.: Developing a culture of learning around the edTPA: One university’s journey. The New Educator, 11 (2015), 37-59. DOI:10.1080/1547688X.2014.966401
  13. Markworth, K. A.; McCool, J.; Kosiak, J.: Problem solving in all seasons: Prekindergarten-Grade 2. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2015.
  14. Amiran, Edoh Y.; Hagen, Daniel A: Directionally Bounded Utility and The Executive Pay Puzzle. Theoretical Economics Letters 5 (2015), 238-245. DOI:10.4236/tel.2015.52028
  15. Welder, R. M., Tobias, J. M.; Feldman, Z.; Hillen, A.; Olanoff, D.; Thanheiser, E.: Modifying children’s tasks into cognitively demanding tasks for preservice elementary teachers. In T. G. Bartell, K. N. Bieda, R. T. Putnam, K. Bradfield, & H. Dominguez (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 984-987). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University (2015).
  16. Dean, Raven; Erdman, Rick; Klyve, Dominic; Lycette, Emily; Pidde, Melissa; Wheel, Derek: Families of values of the excedent function $\sigma(n)-2n$. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 27 (2015), no. 1, 37-46.
  17. Jong, C.; Hodges, T. E.; Royal, K. D.; Welder, R. M.: Instruments to measure elementary preservice teachers’ conceptions: An application of the Rasch rating scale model. Educational Research Quarterly, 39 (2015) no. 1, 21-48.
  18. Welder, R. M.; Tobias, J. M.; Feldman, Z.; Hillen, A.; Olanoff, D.; Thanheiser, E.: Modifying children’s tasks into cognitively demanding tasks for preservice elementary teachers. In T. G. Bartell, K. N. Bieda, R. T. Putnam, K. Bradfield, & H. Dominguez (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 984-987). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 2015.
  19. Berget, Andrew; Bruns, Winfried; Conca, Aldo: Ideals generated by superstandard tableaux. Commutative algebra and noncommutative algebraic geometry. Vol. II, 43–62, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 68, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2015.
  20. Cohen, Jessica: Statistics education and the Common Core State Standards for mathematical practices. The Statistics Teacher Network, 86 (2015), 9-11.
  21. Bradshaw, L.; Knowles, K.; McDowall, S.; Gamelin, D.: Nanocrystals for Luminescent Solar Concentrators. Nano Letters 15 (2015), pp 1315-1323. DOI:10.1021/nl504510t
  22. Knowles, K.; Kilburn, T.; Alzate, D.; McDowall, S.; Gamelin, D.: Bright CuInS2/CdS Nanocrystal Phosphors for High-Gain Full-Spectrum Luminescent Solar Concentrators. ChemComm 51 (2015), pp 9129-9132. DOI:10.1039/C5CC02007G
  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: A proof of the main theorem on Bezoutians. Elemente der Mathematik 69 (2014) no. 1, 33-39. DOI:10.4171/EM/243.
  2. Gardner, Richard J.; Parapatits, Lukas; Schuster, Franz E.: A characterization of Blaschke addition. Advances in Mathematics 254 (2014), 396–418. DOI:10.1016/j.aim.2013.11.017
  3. Bényi, Árpád; Ćurgus, Branko: Ceva's triangle inequalities. Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 17 (2014) no. 2, 591-609.
  4. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: Smoothing of commutators for a Hφrmander class of bilinear pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 20 (2014), no. 2, 282-300. DOI:10.1007/s00041-013-9312-3
  5. Bényi, Árpád; Ćurgus, Branko: Outer median triangles. Mathematics Magazine 87 (2014) no. 3, 185-195. DOI:10.4169/math.mag.87.3.185
  6. Glimm, T.; Bhat, R.; Newman, S.A.: Modeling the morphodynamic galectin patterning network of the developing avian limb skeleton. Journal of Theoretical Biology 346 (2014), 86-108.
  7. Nyman, Adam: The geometry of arithmetic noncommutative projective lines. Journal of Algebra 414 (2014), 190–240. DOI:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2014.05.022
  8. Zhang, Jianying: An augmented Lagrangian approach with enhanced local refinement to simulating yield stress fluid flows around a spherical gas bubble, in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry and Statistics (CMCGS 2014), Singapore, February 3-4, 2014, Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF) and Springer, 2014. 1-6.
  9. Jorgenson, Andrew D.: Unconditional stability of a Crank-Nicolson Adams-Bashforth 2 numerical method. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. Series B 5 (2014), no. 3, 171–187.
  10. Gardner, Richard J.; Hug, Daniel; Weil, Wolfgang: The Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski theory: a general framework, additions, and inequalities. Journal of Differential Geometry 97 (2014), no. 3, 427–476.
  11. Erickson, Christian S.; Bradshaw, Liam R.; McDowall, Stephen R.; Gilbertson, John D.; Gamelin, Daniel R.; Patrick, David L.: Zero-Reabsorption Doped-Nanocrystal Luminescent Solar Concentrators. ACS Nano 8 (2014) no. 4, 3461-3467. DOI:10.1021/nn406360w
  12. Benjamin, Willie E.; Veit, Darren R.; Perkins, Matt J.; Bain, Edward; Scharnhorst, Kelsey; McDowall, Stephen R.; Patrick, David L.; Gilbertson, John D.: Sterically Engineered Perylene Dyes for High Efficiency Oriented Fluorophore Luminescent Solar Concentrators. Chemistry of Materials 26 (2014) no. 3, 1291-1293. DOI:10.1021/cm403286v
  13. Ćurgus, Branko: On two common sequences that converge to $e$. The College Mathematics Journal 45 (2014) no. 5, 391-392. DOI:10.4169/college.math.j.45.5.387.
  1. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: On a class of bilinear pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, vol. 2013, Article ID 560976, 5 pages, 2013. DOI:10.1155/2013/560976
  2. Bényi, Árpád; Bownik, Marcin: Anisotropic classes of inhomogeneous pseudodifferential symbols, Collectanea Mathematica 64, no. 2 (2013), 155-173.
  3. Alpers, A.; Gardner, R.J.; König, S.; Pennington, R.S.; Boothroyd, C.B.; Houben, L.; Dunin-Borkowski, R.; Batenburg, K.J.: Geometric reconstruction methods in electron tomography, Ultramicroscopy 128 (2013), 42-54.
  4. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Solving Separable Nonlinear Equations Using LU Factorization. ISRN Mathematical Analysis Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 258072, 5 pages.
  5. Chan, Victor; Thompson, Ian; Whitney, David; Switzer, Michael; Anderson, Amy D.; Smits, Shelly: Migration and melanoma incidence rates among Washington state counties. Melanoma Research 23(4):312-320, August 2013.
  6. Hartenstine, David; Rudd, Matthew: Statistical functional equations and $p$-harmonious functions. Advanced Nonlinear Studies 13 (2013) no. 1, 191–207.
  7. Bényi, Árpád; Torres, Rodolfo H.: Compact bilinear operators and commutators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141 (2013), no. 10, 3609–3621.
  8. Chan, Daniel; Nyman, Adam: Non-commutative Mori contractions and ${\mathbb P}^1\!$-bundles. Advances in Mathematics 245 (2013), 327–381.
  9. Nyman, Adam: A structure theorem for ${\mathbb P}^1\!$-spec $k$-bimodules. Algebras and Representation Theory 16 (2013), no. 3, 659–671.
  10. Sarkar, Amites; Haenggi, Martin: Percolation in the secrecy graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013), no. 13-14, 2120–2132.
  11. Bényi, Árpád; Ćurgus, Branko: A generalization of Routh’s triangle theorem. The American Mathematical Monthly 120 (2013) no. 9, 841-846. DOI:amer.math.monthly.120.09.841
  12. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: The Sobolev inequality on the torus revisited, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 83 (2013), no.3, 359-374.
  13. Ćurgus, Branko; Fleige, Andreas; Kostenko, Aleksey: The Riesz basis property of an indefinite Sturm–Liouville problem with non-Separated boundary conditions. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 77 (2013) no. 4, 533-557. DOI:10.1007/s00020-013-2093-x
  14. Gardner, Richard J.; Hug, Daniel; Weil, Wolfgang: Operations between sets in geometry. Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 15 (2013), no. 6, 2297–2352.
  15. Bényi, Árpád; Bernicot, Frederic; Maldonado, Diego ; Naibo, Virginia; Torres, Rodolfo H.: On the Hφrmander classes of bilinear pseudodifferential operators, II, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 62 (2013), no. 6, 1733-1764.
  16. Sarkar, Amites; Haenggi, Martin: Secrecy coverage. Internet Mathematics 9 (2013), no. 2-3, 199–216. DOI:10.1080/15427951.2012.673333
  17. Glimm, T.; Henscheid, N.: Iterative scheme for solving optimal transportation problems arising in reflector design. International Scholarly Research Notices: Applied Mathematics, Article ID 635263 (2013).
  18. Zhang, Jianying: Side Eddies and Yield Surfaces in Bingham FLuid FLow within Lid-Driven Cavities. 2013 International Conference on Frontiers of Energy, Environmental Materials and Civil Engineering (FEEMCE 2013), edited by Roger D. W. Zheng. DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, PA, 2013. 503-508.
  19. Kostelec, Peter; Treneer, Stephanie; Wallace, Dorothy: Weak harmonic Maass forms and the principal series for SL(2,$\mathbb R$). 175-184, Lie Groups: Structures, Actions and Representations, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, New York, 2013.
  20. McDowall, Stephen R.; Butler, Tristan; Bain, Edward; Scharnhorst, Kelsey; Patrick, David L.: Comprehensive analysis of escape-cone losses from luminescent waveguides. Applied Optics 52 (2013) no. 6, 1230-1239. DOI:10.1364/AO.52.001230
  21. Leonhardt, Eric C.; Amiran, Edoh: Viking 45 Electric HybridDesign, Construction and Analysis: A Quest for the $10 million Progressive Automotive X Prize. Society of Automotive Engineers: 11th International Conference on Engines & Vehicles (2013). DOI:10.4271/2013-24-0078
  22. Cohen, Jessica: Strip diagrams: Illuminating proportional reasoning. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 18 (2013), no. 9, 536-542.
  23. Cohen, Jessica: The early years: 1982-1985. The Statistics Teacher Network, Anniversary Issue, 80 (2013), 3-4.
  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: On the reproducing kernel of a Pontryagin space of vector valued polynomials. Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (2012) no. 5, 1312-1343.
  2. Glimm, Tilmann; Zhang, Jianying; Shen, Yun-Qiu; Newman, A. Stuart: Reaction–Diffusion Systems and External Morphogen Gradients: The Two-Dimensional Case, with an Application to Skeletal Pattern Formation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74 (2012), no. 3, 666-687.
  3. Zhang, Jianying: An augmented Lagrangian approach to simulating yield stress fluid flows around a spherical gas bubble. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 69 (2012), no. 3, 731-746. DOI:10.1002/fld.2609
  4. Campi, Stefano; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo: Intersections of dilatates of convex bodies. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012), no. 3, 1193-1210.
  5. Hart, J.; Nyman, A.: Duals of simple two-sided vector spaces. Communications in Algebra 40 (2012), no. 7, 2405-2419.
  6. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: The targets of information-carrying nanodomains. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Nanoscience 12 (2012), 2239-2247.
  7. Hall N.; Phillips D.; Mercer L.; Shaw J.C.; Anderson A.D.: Maximum likelihood estimation of individual inbreeding coefficients and null allele frequencies. Genetics Research 94 (2012), no. 3, 151-161.
  8. Zhang, Jianying; Jiang, Bing: Enhanced Euler's method to a free boundary porous media flow problem. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 28 (2012), no. 5, 1558-1573.
  9. Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo; Theobald, Thorsten: Determining a rotation of a tetrahedron from a projection. Discrete & Computational Geometry 48 (2012), no. 3, 749–765.
  10. Gardner, Richard J.; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Yaskin, Vlad; Zvavitch, Artem: A problem of Klee on inner section functions of convex bodies. Journal of Differential Geometry 91 (2012), no. 2, 261–279.
  11. Bényi, Árpád; Ćurgus, Branko: Triangles and groups via cevians. Journal of Geometry 103 (2012) no. 3, 375-408.
  12. Campi, Stefano; Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo; Kiderlen, Markus: Lightness functions. Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), no. 6, 3118–3146
  13. Glimm, T.; Headon, D; Kiskowski, M.A.: Computational and mathematical models of chondrogenesis in vertebrate limbs. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews, 96 (2012), 176--192. DOI:10.1002/bdrc.21014
  14. Markworth, Kimberly; Kutsick, Molly: What’s in an app? Wisconsin Mathematics Council Journal, 64 (2012) no. 1, 12-14.
  15. Markworth, Kimberly: Growing patterns: Seeing beyond counting. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19 (2012) no. 4, 254-262.
  16. Markworth, Kimberly; Willox, Lara: The Electoral College. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 18 (2012) no. 2, 118-124.
  17. Markworth, Kimberly: Proportioning cats and rats. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 17 (2012) no. 9, 538-543.
  18. Cohen, Jessica: The common core state standards: Where do probability and statistics fit in? The Statistics Teacher Network, Anniversary Issue, 79 (2012), 2-5.
  1. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Tadahiro: Modulation spaces, Wiener amalgam spaces, and Brownian motions. Advances in Mathematics 228 (2011), 5, 2943-2981
  2. Hartenstine, David; Rudd, Matthew: Asymptotic statistical characterizations of $p$-harmonic functions of two variables. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 41 (2011) no. 2, 493–504.
  3. Bianchi, Gabriele; Gardner, Richard J.; Kiderlen, Markus: Phase retrieval for characteristic functions of convex bodies and reconstruction from covariograms. Journal of the American Mathematical Society 24 (2011) no. 2, 293–343.
  4. Cohen, Jessica; Johnson, Jerry; Markworth, Kimberly: Mathematics and evidence-based practice: Using clinical research in a new suit-of-clothes. The WERA Educational Journal, 3 (2011) no. 2, 9-11.
  5. Garthwaite, Sharon; Long, Ling; Swisher, Holly; Treneer, Stephanie: Zeros of classical Eisenstein series and recent developments. 251-263, WIN - Women in Numbers, Research Directions in Number Theory, Fields Institute Communications, vol. 60, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 2011.
  6. Chan, Victor: Prediction Accuracy of Linear Models for Paired Comparisons in Sports. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 7 (2011) no. 3, article 18.
  7. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Stabilization of aqueous electromeric nanodomains. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 8 (2011) 1400-1408.
  8. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Homeopathic potentization based on nanoscale domains. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 17 (2011) 1165-1173.
  9. Cohen, Jessica; Hollebrands, Karen F.: Technology tools to support mathematics teaching. Focus in High School Mathematics: Technology to Support Reasoning and Sense-Making, T. Dick and K. Hollebrands (eds.), 105-120, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA, 2011.
  10. Marrongelle, Karen A.; Gummer, Edith; Cohen, Jessica; Fantz, Traci; Enoch, Sarah: Connecting mathematical learning goals and complex problems through professional development. Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference (2011).
  11. McDowall, Stephen; Stefanov, Plamen; Tamasan, Alexandru: Stability of the gauge equivalent classes in inverse stationary transport in refractive media. Tomography and inverse transport theory, 85–100, Contemporary Mathematics 559, American Mathematical Socieaty, Providence, RI, 2011.
  1. McDowall, Stephen; Johnson, Brad; Patrick, David: Simulations of luminescent solar concentrators: Effects of polarization and fluorophore alignment, Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (2010) no. 5, 053508.
  2. Zhang, Jianying: An augmented Lagrangian approach to Bingham fluid flows in a lid-driven square cavity with piecewise linear equal-order finite elements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (2010), no. 45-48, 3051–3057.
  3. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania, Stability of roots of polynomials under linear combinations of derivatives. Constructive Approximation 32 (2010), no. 3, 523–541.
  4. Bényi, Árpád; Maldonado, Diego; Nahmod, Andrea R.; Torres, Rodolfo H.: Bilinear paraproducts revisited. Mathematische Nachrichten 283 (2010), no. 9, 1257–1276
  5. Bényi, Árpád; Bownik, Marcin: Anisotropic classes of homogeneous pseudodifferential symbols. Studia Mathematica 200 (2010), no. 1, 41–66.
  6. Bényi, Árpád; Maldonado, Diego; Naibo, Virginia; Torres, Rodolfo H.: On the Hφrmander classes of bilinear pseudodifferential operators. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 67 (2010), no. 3, 341–364.
  7. Shemanske, T.; Treneer, S.; Walling, L.: Constructing simultaneous Hecke eigenforms. International Journal of Number Theory 6 (2010), no. 5, 1117–1137.
  8. Bényi, Árpád; Maldonado, Diego; Naibo, Virginia: What is … a paraproduct? Notices of the American Mathematical Society 57 (2010), no. 7, 858–860.
  9. Nyman, A.: The Eilenberg-Watts theorem over schemes. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214 (2010), no. 11, 1922–1954.
  10. Gardner, Richard J.; Zvavitch, Artem: Gaussian Brunn-Minkowski inequalities. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (2010), no. 10, 5333–5353
  11. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark: Sentry selection in wireless networks. Advances in Applied Probability 42 (2010), no. 1, 1–25.
  12. Glimm, Tilmann: A rigorous analysis using optimal transport theory for a two-reflector design problem with a point source. Inverse Problems 26 (2010), no. 4, 045001, 16 pp.
  13. Guy, Robert D.; Hartenstine, David A.: On the accuracy of direct forcing immersed boundary methods with projection methods. Journal of Computational Physics 229 (2010), no. 7, 2479–2496.
  14. McDowall, Stephen; Stefanov, Plamen; Tamasan, Alexandru: Gauge equivalence in stationary radiative transport through media with varying index of refraction. Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 (2010), no. 1, 151–167.
  15. McDowall, Stephen; Stefanov, Plamen; Tamasan, Alexandru: Stability of the gauge equivalent classes in inverse stationary transport. Inverse Problems 26 (2010), no. 2, 025006, 19 pp.
  16. Naylor, Michael; Winkel, Brian: Biangular coordinates redux: discovering a new kind of geometry. The College Mathematics Journal 41 (2010), no. 1, 29–41,
  17. Balister, Paul; Kalikow, Steve; Sarkar, Amites: The Linus sequence. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 19 (2010), no. 1, 21–46.
  18. Garthwaite, Sharon; Long, Ling; Swisher, Holly; Treneer, Stephanie: Zeros of some level 2 Eisenstein series. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), no. 2, 467–480.
  19. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Bifurcation of solutions of separable parameterized equations into lines. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 19 (2010), 245-255.
  20. Amiran, Edoh Y.; Hagen, Daniel A.: The scope trials: Variation in sensitivity to scope and WTP with directionally bounded utility functions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 59 (2010), no. 3, 293-301.
  21. Bényi, Árpád; Nitu, Cosmin: On an open problem from G.M.-B. 10/2008, Gazeta Matematica (Seria B), 7-8-9 (2010), 337-340 (in Romanian).
  22. Ely, Robert; Cohen, Jessica S.: Putting the right spin on student work. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 16 (2010) no. 2, 208-215.
  1. Bényi, Árpád; Demeter, Ciprian; Nahmod, Andrea R.; Thiele, Christoph M.; Torres, Rodolfo H.; Villarroya, Paco: Modulation invariant bilinear T(1) theorem. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 109 (2009), 279–352.
  2. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites: Percolation, connectivity, coverage and colouring of random geometric graphs. Handbook of large-scale random networks, 117–142, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 18, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
  3. McDowall, Stephen: Optical tomography for media with variable index of refraction. Cubo 11 (2009), no. 5, 71–97.
  4. Glimm, Tilmann; Zhang, Jianying; Shen, Yun-Qiu: Interaction of Turing patterns with an external linear morphogen gradient. Nonlinearity 22 (2009), no. 10, 2541–2560.
  5. Hales, Alfred W.; Hartsfield, Nora: The directed genus of the de Bruijn graph. Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009), no. 17, 5259–5263.
  6. Bényi, Árpád; Casu, Ioan: Pompeiu's theorem revisited. The College Mathematics Journal 40 (2009), no. 4, 252–258.
  7. Gardner, Richard J.; Kiderlen, Markus: A new algorithm for 3D reconstruction from support functions. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (2009), no. 3, 556–562.
  8. Bényi, Árpád; Okoudjou, Kasso A.: Local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation spaces. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 41 (2009), no. 3, 549–558.
  9. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark: A critical constant for the k-nearest-neighbour model. Advances in Applied Probability 41 (2009), no. 1, 1–12.
  10. Gardner, Richard J.; Hartenstine, David: Capacities, surface area, and radial sums. Advances in Mathematics 221 (2009), no. 2, 601–626.
  11. Binding, Paul; Ćurgus, Branko: Riesz bases of root vectors of indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions. II. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 63 (2009), no. 4, 473–499.
  12. Hartenstine, David: Brunn-Minkowski-type inequalities related to the Monge-Ampθre equation. Advanced Nonlinear Studies 9 (2009), no. 2, 277–294.
  13. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark: Highly connected random geometric graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009), no. 2, 309–320.
  14. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Numerical bifurcation of separable parameterized equations. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 34 (2008/09), 31–43.
  15. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Domains of water molecules provide mechanisms of potentization in homeopathy. Water 2 (2009), 1-14.
  1. Chan, Victor; Meeker, William Q.: Time series modeling of degradation due to outdoor weathering. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 37 (2008), no. 3-5, 408–424.
  2. Langmore, Ian; McDowall, Stephen: Optical tomography for variable refractive index with angularly averaged measurements. Communications in Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), no. 10-12, 2180–2207.
  3. Treneer, Stephanie: Quadratic twists and the coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms. Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 23 (2008), no. 3, 283–309.
  4. Glimm, Tilmann; Hentschel, H.G.E.: On isoconcentration surfaces of three-dimensional Turing patterns. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 18 (2008), no. 2, 391–406.
  5. Alber, Mark; Glimm, Tilmann; Hentschel, H.G.E.; Kazmierczak, Bogdan; Zhang, Yong-Tao; Zhu, Jianfeng; Newman, Stuart A.: The morphostatic limit for a model of skeletal pattern formation in the vertebrate limb. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70 (2008), no. 2, 460–483.
  6. Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Reay, John: Polynomials and spatial Pick-type theorems. Expositiones Mathematicae 26 (2008), no. 1, 41–53.
  7. Ahlgren, Scott; Treneer, Stephanie: Rank generating functions as weakly holomorphic modular forms. Acta Arithmetica 133 (2008), no. 3, 267-279.
  8. Czerlinski, G; Ypma, T.J.: Dimensional effects on single molecule kinetics in submicron vacuoles. Journal of Bionanoscience 2 (2008), 19-26.
  9. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Single molecule action in cancer cells. Journal of Bionanoscience 2 (2008), 9-18.
  10. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Mechanisms of telomerase-dimer catalysis. Journal of Theoretical Biology 250 (2008), 512-523.
  11. Bink, M.C.A.M.; Anderson A.D.; van de Weg E.W.; Thompson E.A.: Comparison of marker-based pairwise relatedness estimators on a pedigreed plant population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117 (2008), no. 6, 843-855.
  12. Balister, Paul; Bollobαs, Bιla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark: Connectivity of a gaussian network. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 3 (2008), no. 3, 204-213.
  13. Bényi, Árpád; Bobes, Maria: On an olympiad problem, Gazeta Matematica (Seria B), 10 (2008), 476-482 (in Romanian)
  14. Newman S.A.; Christley S.; Glimm T.; Hentschel H.G.; Kazmierczak B.; Zhang Y.T.; Zhu J.; Alber M.: Multiscale models for vertebrate limb development. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 81: Multiscale Modeling of Developmental Systems (2008), 311–340. DOI:10.1016/S0070-2153(07)81011-8
  1. Cickovski, T.; Aras, K.; Swat, M.; Merks, R.; Glimm, T.; Hentschel, H.G.E.; Alber, M.; Glazier, J.; Newman, S.; Izaguirre, J.: From Genes to Organisms Via the Cell: A Problem-Solving Environment for Multicellular Development, Computing in Science and Engineering 9 (2007) 4, 50-60.
  2. Alber, M.; Chen, N.; Glimm, T.; Lushnikov, P.: A Two-dimensional Multiscale Model of Cell Motion in a Chemotactic Field, 53-76, Single Cell Based Models in Biology and Medicine, A.R.A Anderson, M.A.J. Chaplain, K.A. Rejniak Eds., Birkhäuser-Verlag (2007).
  3. Dulio, P.; Gardner, R.J.; Peri, C.: An introduction to discrete point x-rays. Advances in discrete tomography and its applications, 19–30, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2007.
  4. Bényi, Árpád; Casu, Ioan: From Heron's formula to a characteristic property of medians in the triangle. Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz. 34 (2007), no. 4, 217–220.
  5. Gardner, R.J.: The dual Brunn-Minkowski theory for bounded Borel sets: dual affine quermassintegrals and inequalities. Advances in Mathematics 216 (2007), no. 1, 358–386.
  6. Ćurgus, Branko; Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof: On a convex operator for finite sets. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (2007), no. 13, 1774–1792.
  7. Gardner, Richard J.; Kiderlen, Markus: A solution to Hammer's X-ray reconstruction problem. Advances in Mathematics 214 (2007), no. 1, 323–343. \
  8. Bényi, Árpád; Okoudjou, Kasso A.: Time-frequency estimates for pseudodifferential operators. Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and related topics, 13–22, Contemp. Math., 428, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2007.
  9. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Solving rank-deficient separable nonlinear equations. Appl. Numer. Math. 57 (2007), no. 5-7, 609–615.
  10. Bényi, Árpád; Gröchenig, Karlheinz; Okoudjou, Kasso A.; Rogers, Luke G.: Unimodular Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis 246 (2007), no. 2, 366–384.
  11. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania: Root preserving transformations of polynomials. Mathematics Magazine 80 (2007), no. 2, 136–138.
  12. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania: Perturbations of roots under linear transformations of polynomials. Constructive Approximation 25 (2007), no. 3, 255–277.
  13. Ćurgus, Branko; Jewett, Robert I.: An unexpected limit of expected values. Expositiones Mathematicae 25 (2007), no. 1, 1–20.
  14. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Detecting intermediates in the telomerase reaction. Journal of Bionanoscience 1 (2007), 64-72.
  15. Laurie C.C.; Nickerson D.A.; Anderson A.D.; Weir B.S.; Livingston R.J.; Dean M.D.; Smith K.L.; Schadt E.E.; Nachman M.W.: Linkage disequilibrium in wild mice, PLoS Genetics, 3 (2007), no. 8, 1487-1495.
  16. Johnson, Jerry: The Mathematics Education ‘Problem’ in Washington State: A Personal View. Curriculum in Context Journal, 34 (Spring 2007), no. 1, 18-21.
  1. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: A unified approach to computing dynamical equilibria. Can. Appl. Math. Q. 14 (2006), no. 3, 343–359.
  2. Hartenstine, David: The Dirichlet problem for the Monge-Ampθre equation in convex (but not strictly convex) domains. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2006, no. 138, 9 pp.
  3. Gardner, Richard J.; Kiderlen, Markus; Milanfar, Peyman: Convergence of algorithms for reconstructing convex bodies and directional measures. Ann. Statist. 34 (2006), no. 3, 1331–1374.
  4. Dulio, Paolo; Gardner, Richard J.; Peri, Carla: Discrete point X-rays. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20 (2006), no. 1, 171–188.
  5. Ćurgus, Branko: An exceptional exponential function. The College Mathematics Journal 37 (2006), no. 5, 344–354.
  6. Gardner, Richard J.: Geometric tomography. Second edition. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 58. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006. xxii+492 pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-68493-4; 0-521-68493-5.

  7. Alber, Mark; Chen, Nan; Glimm, Tilmann; Lushnikov, Pavel M.: Multiscale dynamics of biological cells with chemotactic interactions: from a discrete stochastic model to a continuous description. Phys. Rev. E (3) 73 (2006), no. 5, 051901, 11 pp.
  8. Bényi, Árpád; Nahmod, Andrea R.; Torres, Rodolfo H.: Sobolev space estimates and symbolic calculus for bilinear pseudodifferential operators. Journal of Geometric Analysis 16 (2006), no. 3, 431–453.
  9. Poonawala, Amyn; Milanfar, Peyman; Gardner, Richard J.: Shape estimation from support and diameter functions. J. Math. Imaging Vision 24 (2006), no. 2, 229–244.
  10. Binding, Paul; Ćurgus, Branko: Riesz bases of root vectors of indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions. I. Operator theory and indefinite inner product spaces, 75–95, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 163, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2006.
  11. Bényi, Árpád; Oh, Choonghong: Best constants for certain multilinear integral operators. J. Inequal. Appl. 2006, Art. ID 28582, 12 pp.
  12. Bényi, Árpád; Okoudjou, Kasso A.: Modulation space estimates for multilinear pseudodifferential operators. Studia Mathematica 172 (2006), no. 2, 169–180.
  13. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania: Roots and polynomials as homeomorphic spaces. Expositiones Mathematicae 24 (2006), no. 1, 81–95.
  14. Treneer, Stephanie: Congruences for the coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3) 93 (2006), 304-324.
  1. Dulio, Paolo; Gardner, Richard J.; Peri, Carla: Discrete point X-rays of convex lattice sets. Proceedings of the Workshop on Discrete Tomography and its Applications, 1–13 (electronic), Electron. Notes Discrete Math., 20, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005.
  2. Bényi, Árpád; Gröchenig, Karlheinz; Heil, Christopher; Okoudjou, Kasso: Modulation spaces and a class of bounded multilinear pseudodifferential operators. Journal of Operator Theory 54 (2005), no. 2, 387–399.
  3. McDowall, Stephen R.: Optical tomography on simple Riemannian surfaces. Communications in Partial Differential Equations 30 (2005), no. 7-9, 1379–1400.
  4. Gardner, Richard J.; Gronchi, Paolo; Zong, Chuanming: Sums, projections, and sections of lattice sets, and the discrete covariogram. Discrete & Computational Geometry 34 (2005), no. 3, 391–409.
  5. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Newton's method for singular nonlinear equations using approximate left and right nullspaces of the Jacobian. Appl. Numer. Math. 54 (2005), no. 2, 256–265.
  6. Gardner, Richard J.; Longinetti, Marco; Sgheri, Luca: Reconstruction of orientations of a moving protein domain from paramagnetic data. Inverse Problems 21 (2005), no. 3, 879–898.
  7. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Yang, Jin-Gen: Regular functions on a product of affine varieties. Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), no. 4, 1171–1176.
  8. Gardner, R. J.; Hobolth, A.; Jensen, E. B. V.; Sψrensen, F. B.: Shape discrimination by total curvature, with a view to cancer diagnostics. J. Microsc. 217 (2005), no. 1, 49–59.
  9. Hartenstine, David: Aleksandrov-type estimates for a parabolic Monge-Ampθre equation. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2005, no. 11, 8 pp.
  10. Czerlinski, G.; Ypma, T.J.: Mechanisms of telomerase binding to telomeres. Physiological Chemistry and Physics, 37(2005), 89-108.
  11. Ypma, T.J.: Newton Methods for Nonlinear Problems: Affine Invariance and Adaptive Algorithms, by P. Deuflhard (Book Review). SIAM Review, 47(2) (2005), 401-403.
  12. Johnson, Jerry: Wechsler Objective Numerical Dimensions. The Sixteenth Mental Measurement Yearbook, R. Spies and B. Plake (eds.), 1106-1110, Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln (NE), 2005.
  13. Johnson, Jerry: Mental Mathematics 6-14. The Sixteenth Mental Measurement Yearbook, R. Spies and B. Plake (eds.), 605-607,Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln (NE), 2005.
  14. Johnson, Jerry: Mathematics and Phyllotaxis: A “Natural” Connection. The Social Gardner, (Spring 2005), 10-16.
  1. Luo, H.; Su, W.; Shen, Y.-Q.: New lower bounds for two multicolor classical Ramsey numbers. Rad. Mat. 13 (2004), no. 1, 15–21.
  2. McDowall, Stephen R.: An inverse problem for the transport equation in the presence of a Riemannian metric. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 216 (2004), no. 2, 303–326.
  3. Amiran, Edoh Y.: Fitting invariant curves on billiard tables and the Birkhoff-Herman theorem. New advances in celestial mechanics and Hamiltonian systems, 29–36, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2004.
  4. Bonnington, C. Paul; Hartsfield, Nora; Širαn, Jozef: Obstructions to directed embeddings of Eulerian digraphs in the plane. European J. Combin. 25 (2004), no. 6, 877–891.
  5. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania: A contraction of the Lucas polygon. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 132 (2004), no. 10, 2973–2981.
  6. Chan, Victor; Lahiri, Soumendra N.; Meeker, William Q.: Block bootstrap estimation of the distribution of cumulative outdoor degradation. Technometrics 46 (2004), no. 2, 215–224.
  7. Binding, Paul; Ćurgus, Branko: A counterexample in Sturm-Liouville completeness theory. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 134 (2004), no. 2, 244–248.
  8. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Solving separable nonlinear equations with Jacobians of rank deficiency one,99-104, LNCS 3314: Computational and Informational Sciences, J. Zhang, J.-H. He and Y. Fu eds., Springer, New York, 2004.
  9. Shen, Yun-Qiu; Ypma, Tjalling J.: Een constructief bewijs van de middelwaardestelling (A constructive proof of the mean value theorem. in Dutch); Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5(5) (2004), 315-316.
  10. Schreiber, S.J.; Rittenhouse, S.: From simple rules to cycling in community assembly. Oikos 105, (2004), 349-358.
  1. Hartsfield, Nora; Ringel, Gerhard: Pearls in graph theory. A comprehensive introduction. Reprint of the 1994 revised edition. Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, 2003. x+249 pp. ISBN: 0-486-43232-7.

  2. Ćurgus, Branko; Langer, Heinz: Continuous embeddings, completions and complementation in Krein spaces. Rad. Mat. 12 (2003), no. 1, 37–79.
  3. Schreiber, Sebastian J.; Tobiason, Glory A.: The evolution of resource use. J. Math. Biol. 47 (2003), no. 1, 56–78.
  4. Gardner, R. J.; Jensen, Eva B. Vedel; Volcic, A.: Geometric tomography and local stereology. Adv. in Appl. Math. 30 (2003), no. 3, 397–423.
  5. Azizov, Tomas; Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad: Standard symmetric operators in Pontryagin spaces: a generalized von Neumann formula and minimality of boundary coefficients. Journal of Functional Analysis 198 (2003), no. 2, 361–412.
  6. Casazza, Peter G.; Lammers, Mark C.: Bracket products for Weyl-Heisenberg frames. Advances in Gabor analysis, 71–98, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2003.
  7. Gardner, R. J.; Milanfar, Peyman: Reconstruction of convex bodies from brightness functions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 29 (2003), no. 2, 279–303.
  8. Ćurgus, Branko; Mascioni, Vania: On the location of critical points of polynomials. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 131 (2003), no. 1, 253–264.
  9. Czerlinski, G.; Levin, R.; Ypma, T.J.: The effect of the mixing process on reaction kinetics, Int. J. Chemical Kinetics, 35, (2003), 484-496.
  10. Amiran, Edoh Y.; Hagen, Daniel A.: Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept: How Much Can They Differ? Comment. The American Economic Review 93 (2003), no. 1, 458-463.
  1. Binding, Paul; Ćurgus, Branko: Form domains and eigenfunction expansions for differential equations with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions. Canad. J. Math. 54 (2002), no. 6, 1142–1164.
  2. Ćurgus, Branko; Read, Thomas T.: Discreteness of the spectrum of second-order differential operators and associated embedding theorems. Journal of Differential Equations 184 (2002), no. 2, 526–548.
  3. Gardner, R.J.: The Brunn-Minkowski inequality. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 39 (2002), no. 3, 355–405.
  4. Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Permanence of weakly coupled vector fields. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 33 (2002), no. 5, 1048–1057.
  5. Mierczynski, Janusz; Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Kolmogorov vector fields with robustly permanent subsystems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 267 (2002), no. 1, 329–337.
  6. Casazza, Peter G.; Lammers, Mark C.: Analyzing the Weyl-Heisenberg frame identity. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 12 (2002), no. 2, 171–178.
  7. Czerlinski, G.; Levin, R.; Ypma, T.J.: Hemoglobin / O2 systems: mechanistic discrimination based on Acker's model. Physiological Chemistry and Physics, 34, 17-42 (2002).
  8. Naylor, Michael: Golden, $\sqrt{2}$, and $\pi$ Flowers: A Spiral Story. Mathematics Magazine 75, (2002), no. 3, 163-172.
  9. Schreiber S.; Fox L.; Getz W.: Parasitoid sex allocation affects coevolution of patch selection in host-parasitoid systems. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4, (2002) 701-718.
  1. Chalice, Donald R.: How to differentiate and integrate sequences. The American Mathematical Monthly 108 (2001), no. 10, 911–921.
  2. Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Urn models, replicator processes, and random genetic drift. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 61 (2001), no. 6, 2148–2167.
  3. Luo, Haipeng; Su, Wenlong; Shen, Yun-Qiu: New lower bounds of ten classical Ramsey numbers. Australas. J. Combin. 24 (2001), 81–90.
  4. Archdeacon, Dan; Bonnington, C. Paul; Dean, Nathaniel; Hartsfield, Nora; Scott, Katherine: Obstruction sets for outer-cylindrical graphs. J. Graph Theory 38 (2001), no. 1, 42–64.
  5. Gardner, R. J.; Gronchi, P.: A Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the integer lattice. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 353 (2001), no. 10, 3995–4024.
  6. Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Chaos and population disappearances in simple ecological models. J. Math. Biol. 42 (2001), no. 3, 239–260.
  7. Ćurgus, Branko; Dijksma, Aad; Read, Tom: The linearization of boundary eigenvalue problems and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Linear Algebra and its Applications 329 (2001), no. 1-3, 97–136.
  8. Johnson, Jerry: Focusing on Learning Mathematics in the Middle Years: Educators Guide. Published by State of Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, WA, 2001, 103p.
  9. Li, Zhiln; Shen, Yun-Qiu: Numerical method for simulation of bubbles flowing through another fluid. Advances in scientific computing. Edited by Zhong-Ci Shi, et al., 86-94, Science Press, Beijing, New York, 2001.
  10. Schreiber S.; Mills, N.; Gutierrez A.: Host-limited dynamics of autoparasitoids. Journal of Theoretical Biology 212, (2001) 141-153.
  1. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: Algorithms for the robust 1-center problem on a tree. Advances in theory and practice of combinatorial optimization (Puerto de la Cruz, 1997). European J. Oper. Res. 123 (2000), no. 2, 292–302.
  2. Benaοm, Michel; Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Ergodic properties of weak asymptotic pseudotrajectories for semiflows. J. Dynam. Differential Equations 12 (2000), no. 3, 579–598.
  3. Li, Zhilin; Shen, Yun-Qiu: A numerical method for solving heat equations involving interfaces. Proceedings of the Fourth Mississippi State Conference on Difference Equations and Computational Simulations (1999), 100–108 (electronic), Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Conf., 3, Southwest Texas State Univ., San Marcos, TX, 2000.
  4. Averbakh, Igor: Minmax regret solutions for minimax optimization problems with uncertainty. Oper. Res. Lett. 27 (2000), no. 2, 57–65.
  5. Ćurgus, Branko: Boundary value problems in Krein spaces. Dedicated to the memory of Branko Najman. Glas. Mat. Ser. III 35(55) (2000), no. 1, 45–58.
  6. Reay, J.R.; Zamfirescu, T.: Hamiltonian cycles in T-graphs. The Branko Grόnbaum birthday issue. Discrete & Computational Geometry 24 (2000), no. 2-3, 497–502.
  7. Mierczynski, Janusz: A remark on M. W. Hirsch's paper: "Chain transitive sets for smooth strongly monotone dynamical systems'' [Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 5 (1999), no. 1-4, 529--543]. Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 7 (2000), no. 3, 455–461.
  8. Gardner, R.J.; Vassallo, S.: The Brunn-Minkowski inequality, Minkowski's first inequality, and their duals. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Appl. 245 (2000), no. 2, 502–512.
  9. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: Minmax regret median location on a network under uncertainty. INFORMS J. Comput. 12 (2000), no. 2, 104–110.
  10. Mascioni, Vania: On optimal lattice decompositions. Positivity 4 (2000), no. 2, 101–103.
  11. Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Criteria for Cr robust permanence. Journal of Differential Equations 162 (2000), no. 2, 400–426.
  12. Gardner, R. J.; Gritzmann, P.; Prangenberg, D.: On the computational complexity of determining polyatomic structures by X-rays. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 233 (2000), no. 1-2, 91–106.
  13. Ćurgus, Branko; Gheondea, Aurelian; Langer, Heinz: On singular critical points of positive operators in Krein spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (2000), no. 9, 2621–2626.
  14. Johnson, Jerry: Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Using Research to Shift from the “Yesterday” Mind to the “Tomorrow” Mind. Published by State of Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, WA, 2000, 103p.
  15. Mock, Janet; Johnson, Jerry: Math Trails: One Path for Making Connections. Hold That Thought Publishing, Bellingham, WA, 2000.
  16. Johnson, Jerry: 2000 is a Number to be Feared. Washington Mathematics, 44(1), (2000), 1, 4-9.
  17. Schreiber, S.J.; Fox, L.R.; Getz, W.M.: Coevolution of contrary choices in host-parasitoid systems. The American Naturalist 155, (2000) no. 5, 637-648.
  18. Eisenberg, J.N.S.; Washburn, J.O.; Schreiber, S.J.: The generalist feeding behaviors of Aedes sierrensis larvae and their effects on protozoan populations. Ecology 81 (2000) 921-935.
  19. McDowall, Stephen R.: An electromagnetic inverse problem in chiral media. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 352 (2000) no. 7, 2993-3013. DOI:10.1090/S0002-9947-00-02518-6
  1. Su, Wenlong; Luo, Haipeng; Shen, Y.-Q. New lower bounds for classical Ramsey numbers R(5,13) and R(5,14). Appl. Math. Lett. 12 (1999), no. 6, 121–122,
  2. Mascioni, Vania A generalization of an inequality related to the error function. Nieuw Arch. Wisk. (4) 17 (1999), no. 3, 373–378.
  3. Gardner, R.J.; Giannopoulos, A.A.: $p$-cross-section bodies. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 48 (1999), no. 2, 593–613.
  4. Gardner, Richard J.; Gritzmann, Peter: Uniqueness and complexity in discrete tomography. Discrete tomography, 85–113, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1999.
  5. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: Algorithms for path medi-centers of a tree. Comput. Oper. Res. 26 (1999), no. 14, 1395–1409.
  6. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: Parallel complexity of additive location problems. INFORMS J. Comput. 11 (1999), no. 3, 292–298.
  7. Gardner, R.J.; Koldobsky, A.; Schlumprecht, T.: An analytic solution to the Busemann-Petty problem on sections of convex bodies. Annals of Mathematics (2) 149 (1999), no. 2, 691–703.
  8. Gardner, R.J.; Gritzmann, P.; Prangenberg, D.: On the computational complexity of reconstructing lattice sets from their X-rays. Discrete Mathematics 202 (1999), no. 1-3, 45–71.
  9. Shen, Yun-Qiu: Computation of a multiple bifurcation point using one singular value decomposition nearby. Dynam. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Systems 6 (1999), no. 1, 53–68.
  10. Gardner, R. J.; Vassallo, S.: Stability of inequalities in the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 231 (1999), no. 2, 568–587.
  11. Gardner, Richard J.; Koldobsky, Alexander; Schlumprecht, Thomas: An analytic solution to the Busemann-Petty problem. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sιr. I Math. 328 (1999), no. 1, 29–34.
  12. Gardner, R.J.; Soranzo, A.; Volcic, A.: On the determination of star and convex bodies by section functions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 21 (1999), no. 1, 69–85.
  13. Schreiber, Sebastian J.: Successional stability of vector fields in dimension three. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127 (1999), no. 4, 993–1002.
  14. Czerlinski, G.; Levin, R.; Ypma, T.J.: Hemoglobin / O2 systems using short-lived intermediates for mechanistic discrimination. Journal of Theoretical Biology 199, 25-44 (1999).
  15. Naylor, Michael: Exploring Fractals in the Classroom. The Mathematics Teacher, 92 (1999), no. 4, 360-366.
  16. Naylor, Michael: Nonperiodic Tilings: The Irrational Numbers of the Tiling World. The Mathematics Teacher, 92 (1999), no. 1, 34-40,46-48.
  17. Getz, W.M.; Schreiber, S.J.: Multiple time scales in consumer-resource interactions. Annales Zooligici Fennici 36, (1999) 11-20.
  18. Schreiber, S.J.; Gutierrez, A.P.: Insect invasions and community assembly. In Ecological Entomology. 425-462. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.
  1. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: Positive differential operators in the Krein space $L^2({\mathbb R}^n)$. Contributions to operator theory in spaces with an indefinite metric (Vienna, 1995), 113–129, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 106, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1998.
  2. Klee, Victor; Reay, John R.: A surprising but easily proved geometric decomposition theorem. Mathematics Magazine 71 (1998), no. 1, 3–11.
  3. Gardner, R. J.; Vassallo, S.: Inequalities for dual isoperimetric deficits. Mathematika 45 (1998), no. 2, 269–285.
  4. Schreiber, Sebastian J. On growth rates of subadditive functions for semiflows. Journal of Differential Equations 148 (1998), no. 2, 334–350.
  5. Ćurgus, B.; Najman, B.: Examples of positive operators in Krein space with 0 a regular critical point of infinite rank. Differential and integral operators (Regensburg, 1995), 51–56, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 102, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1998.
  6. Archdeacon, Dan; Hartsfield, Nora; Little, C.H.C.; Mohar, Bojan: Obstruction sets for outer-projective-planar graphs. Ars Combin. 49 (1998), 113–127.
  7. Gardner, R.J.; Zhang, Gaoyong: Affine inequalities and radial mean bodies. Amer. J. Math. 120 (1998), no. 3, 505–528.
  8. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: Location problems with grouped structure of demand: complexity and algorithms. Networks 31 (1998), no. 2, 81–92.
  9. Czerlinski, G.; Levin, R.; Ypma, T.J.: Short-lived intermediates in hemoglobin / O2 systems. Biophysical Chemistry and Physics, 30, 25-48 (1998).
  10. Johnson, Jerry: Using the History of Mathematics as a Source of Technology-Rich Problems, in D. Johnson and D. Tinsley’s (eds.) Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology. Chapman & Hall, London, (1998), 68-70.
  11. Schreiber, S.J.: On the stabilizing effect of specialist predators on founder controlled communities. Canadian Applied Mathematical Quarterly (1998) Vol. 6, 1-12.
  1. Shen, Yun-Qiu: Computation of a Hopf bifurcation point using one singular value decomposition nearby. Differential equations and applications (Hangzhou, 1996), 277–285, Int. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997,
  2. Igarashi, Masao; Ypma, Tjalling: Empirical versus asymptotic rate of convergence of a class of methods for solving a polynomial equation. 7th ICCAM 96 Congress (Leuven). J. Comput. Appl. Math. 82 (1997), no. 1-2, 229–237.
  3. Shen, Y.-Q.: Computation of a simple bifurcation point using one singular value decomposition nearby. Computing 58 (1997), no. 4, 335–350.
  4. Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded: $(p-1)/(p+1)$-approximate algorithms for $p$-traveling salesmen problems on a tree with minmax objective. Discrete Applied Mathematics 75 (1997), no. 3, 201–216.
  5. Amiran, Edoh Y.: Integrable smooth planar billiards and evolutes. New York J. Math. 3 (1997), 32–47.
  6. Ding, Ren; Reay, John R.; Zhang, Jianguo: Areas of generalized $H$-polygons. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 77 (1997), no. 2, 304–317.
  7. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: Preservation of the range under perturbations of an operator. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 125 (1997), no. 9, 2627–2631.
  8. Gardner, R.J.; Gritzmann, Peter: Discrete tomography: determination of finite sets by X-rays. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 349 (1997), no. 6, 2271–2295.
  9. Czerlinski, G.; Levin, R.; Ypma, T.J.: Short-lived intermediates in aspartate aminotransferase systems. Biophysical Journal, 72, (1997), 1135-1142.
  10. Johnson, Jerry: As Ann Landers Would Say, Start With a Good Problem, Not the Technology. in M. Wallace, et al (eds.) Inquiry-Based Geometry Throughout the Secondary Curriculum, National Science Foundation, Washington (DC), (1997), 226-234.
  11. Johnson, Jerry: Close Shaves. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, January, (1997), 162-163.
  1. Hartsfield, Nora; Kelmans, Alexander; Shen, Yun-Qiu: On the Laplacian polynomial of a $K$-cube extension. Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Baton Rouge, LA, 1996). Congr. Numer. 119 (1996), 73–77.
  2. Amiran, Edoh Y.: Noncoincidence of geodesic lengths and hearing elliptic quantum billiards. J. Statist. Phys. 85 (1996), no. 3-4, 455–470.
  3. Archdeacon, Dan; Hartsfield, Nora; Little, C. H. C.: Non-Hamiltonian triangulations with large connectivity and representativity. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 68 (1996), no. 1, 45–55.
  4. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: Positive differential operators in Krein space $L^2({\mathbb R})$. Recent developments in operator theory and its applications (Winnipeg, MB, 1994), 95–104, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 87, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1996.
  5. Chow, Shui-Nee; Lu, Kening; Shen, Yun-Qiu: Normal forms for quasiperiodic evolutionary equations. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems 2 (1996), no. 1, 65–94.
  6. Johnson, Millie; McCallum, William G.; Watkins, Joe: Multivariable Calculus Preliminary Edition: Instructor's Manual with Sample Exams. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Limited, 1995 ISBN 0471133744, 233p.

  7. Duemmel, James: Complex Eigenvalues and Rotations: Are Your Students Going in Circles? The College Mathematics Journal 27 (1996), no. 5, 378-381. DOI:10.1080/07468342.1996.11973812
  1. Ypma, Tjalling J.: Historical development of the Newton-Raphson method. SIAM Rev. 37 (1995), no. 4, 531–551.
  2. Ypma, Tjalling J.: A SAXPY formulation for plane rotations. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 2 (1995), no. 6, 533–541.
  3. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: Quasi-uniformly positive operators in Krein space. Operator theory and boundary eigenvalue problems (Vienna, 1993), 90–99, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 80, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995.
  4. Gardner, Richard J.: Geometric tomography. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 58. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995. xvi+424 pp. ISBN: 0-521-45126-4.

  5. Igarashi, Masao; Ypma, Tjalling: Relationships between order and efficiency of a class of methods for multiple zeros of polynomials. Linear/nonlinear iterative methods and verification of solution (Matsuyama, 1993). J. Comput. Appl. Math. 60 (1995), no. 1-2, 101–113.
  6. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: Quadratic eigenvalue problems. Mathematische Nachrichten 174 (1995), 55–64.
  7. Hartsfield, Nora; Smyth, W.F.: A family of sparse graphs of large sum number. Discrete Mathematics 141 (1995), no. 1-3, 163–171.
  8. Chalice, Donald R.: How to teach a class by the modified Moore method. The American Mathematical Monthly 102 (1995), no. 4, 317–321.
  9. Reay, John R.; Rogers, D.G.: Thin Hamiltonian cycles on Archimedean graphs. European J. Combin. 16 (1995), no. 2, 185–189.
  10. Gardner, R.J.: Geometric tomography. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 42 (1995), no. 4, 422–429.
  11. Amiran, Edoh Y.: Lazutkin coordinates and invariant curves for outer billiards. J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995), no. 3, 1232–1241.
  12. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: The operator $({\rm sgn}\,x)d^2/dx^2$ is similar to a self-adjoint operator in $L^2({\mathbb R})$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123 (1995), no. 4, 1125–1128.
  1. Hartsfield, Nora: Nonorientable quadrangular embeddings of complete multipartite graphs. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Boca Raton, FL, 1994). Congr. Numer. 103 (1994), 161–171.
  2. Gardner, R.J.: A positive answer to the Busemann-Petty problem in three dimensions. Annals of Mathematics (2) 140 (1994), no. 2, 435–447.
  3. Amiran, Edoh Y.: An inverse problem and spectral invariants for billiards. Geometry of the spectrum (Seattle, WA, 1993), 1–13, Contemp. Math., 173, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1994.
  4. Gardner, R.J.; Volcic, A.: Tomography of convex and star bodies. Advances in Mathematics 108 (1994), no. 2, 367–399.
  5. Gardner, R.J.; Gritzmann, Peter: Successive determination and verification of polytopes by their X-rays. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 50 (1994), no. 2, 375–391.
  6. Hartsfield, Nora; Ringel, Gerhard: Pearls in graph theory. A comprehensive introduction. Revised reprint of the 1990 original. Academic Press, Inc., Boston, MA, 1994. x+249 pp. ISBN: 0-12-328553-4

  7. Ćurgus, Branko; Najman, Branko: A Krein space approach to elliptic eigenvalue problems with indefinite weights. Differential Integral Equations 7 (1994), no. 5-6, 1241–1252.
  8. Gardner, R.J.: On the Busemann-Petty problem concerning central sections of centrally symmetric convex bodies. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 30 (1994), no. 2, 222–226.
  9. Gardner, R.J.: Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty problem. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 342 (1994), no. 1, 435–445.
  10. Gardner, R.J.; Volcic, A.: Convex bodies with similar projections. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 121 (1994), no. 2, 563–568.
  11. Johnson, Jerry: Leonard Euler, Mathematicorum Princeps of the Age of Reason, in G. Mariz and R. Payton's (eds.) Centuries End. Western Washington University, Bellingham (WA), (1994), 67-89.
  12. Johnson, Jerry (ed.) Washington Mathematics: Developing Thoughtful Behavior in Math Teachers. Washington State Mathematics Council, (1994).
  1. Gardner, R.J.; Volcic, A.: Determination of convex bodies by their brightness functions. Mathematika 40 (1993), no. 2, 161–168.
  2. Ding, Ren; Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Murphy, Grattan; Reay, John: A fast Pick-type approximation for areas of polygons. The American Mathematical Monthly 100 (1993), no. 7, 669–673.
  3. Amiran, Edoh Y.: A dynamical approach to symplectic and spectral invariants for billiards. Comm. Math. Phys. 154 (1993), no. 1, 99–110.
  4. Hartsfield, Nora; Smyth, W.F.: The sum number of complete bipartite graphs. Graphs, matrices, and designs, 205–211, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 139, Dekker, New York, 1993.
  5. Duemmel, James: The Curious 1/3. The College Mathematics Journal 24 (1993), no. 3, 236-237. DOI:10.1080/07468342.1993.11973535
  1. Hartsfield, Nora; Pisanski, Tomo: Almost all graphs are Egyptian. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (Boca Raton, FL, 1992). Congr. Numer. 89 (1992), 223–224.
  2. Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Reay, John R.: Primitive and mensurable hex-triangles. Geom. Dedicata 43 (1992), no. 2, 233–241.
  3. Filliman, P.: The volume of duals and sections of polytopes. Mathematika 39 (1992), no. 1, 67–80.
  4. Gardner, R.J.; Kallay, M.: Subdivision algorithms and the kernel of a polyhedron. Discrete & Computational Geometry 8 (1992), no. 4, 417–427.
  5. Gardner, R.J.: Sets determined by finitely many X-rays. Geom. Dedicata 43 (1992), no. 1, 1–16.
  6. Archdeacon, Dan; Hartsfield, Nora: Self-dual embeddings of complete bipartite graphs. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 54 (1992), no. 2, 249–256.
  7. Gardner, R.J.: X-rays of polygons. Discrete & Computational Geometry 7 (1992), no. 3, 281–293.
  8. Filliman, P.: Rigidity and the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality. Monatsh. Math. 113 (1992), no. 1, 1–22.
  9. Chow, Shui-Nee; Lu, Kening; Shen, Yun Qiu: Normal form and linearization for quasiperiodic systems. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 331 (1992), no. 1, 361–376.
  10. Hildebrand, Francis H.; Buck, Donna K.; Dietrich, Gaeir: Learning the graphics calculator: Casio 7000 8000 8500. Hawker Brownlow Education, 1992, ISBN 1862997713, 209p.

  11. Johnson, Jerry: Tests of Early Mathematics Ability, in J. Kramer and J. Conoley (eds.) The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. University of Nebraska, Lincoln (NE), (1992), 939-941.
  12. Johnson, Jerry: California Diagnostic Mathematics Tests, in J. Kramer and J. Conoley (eds.) The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. University of Nebraska, Lincoln (NE), (1992), 130-133.
  13. Johnson, Jerry: Mathematics Education Reform: What's a Small or Rural School to Do? Journal of Rural and Small Schools, Spring, (1992), 3-8.
  1. Verosky, John M.: Negative powers of Olver recursion operators. J. Math. Phys. 32 (1991), no. 7, 1733–1736.
  2. Chalice, Donald R.: A characterization of the Cantor function. The American Mathematical Monthly 98 (1991), no. 3, 255–258.
  3. Danzer, Ludwig; Murphy, Grattan; Reay, John: Translational prototiles on a lattice. Mathematics Magazine 64 (1991), no. 1, 3–12.
  4. Filliman, P.: Symmetric solutions to isoperimetric problems for polytopes. Applied geometry and discrete mathematics, 289–299, DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 4, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991.
  5. Johnson, Jerry: Using Dominoes to Introduce Combinatorial Reasoning, in M. Kenney’s (ed.) Topics in Discrete Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston (VA), (1991), 128-136.
  1. Hartsfield, Nora: Egyptian graphs. Contemporary methods in graph theory, 369–370, Bibliographisches Inst., Mannheim, 1990.
  2. Hartsfield, N.; Werth, J.S.: Spanning trees of the complete bipartite graph. Topics in combinatorics and graph theory (Oberwolfach, 1990), 339–346, Physica, Heidelberg, 1990.
  3. Ypma, Tjalling J.: Finite difference approximation of sparse Jacobian matrices in Newton-like methods. Computational solution of nonlinear systems of equations (Fort Collins, CO, 1988), 707–722, Lectures in Appl. Math., 26, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1990.
  4. Shen, Y.-Q.; Ypma, T.J.: Solving nonlinear systems of equations with only one nonlinear variable. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 30 (1990), no. 2, 235–246.
  5. Ypma, T. J.; Shen, Y.-Q.: Solving N+m nonlinear equations with only m nonlinear variables. Computing 44 (1990), no. 3, 259–271.
  6. Verosky, John M.: Exponentially evolving densities. J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990), no. 7, 1632–1634.
  7. Filliman, P.: Exterior algebra and projections of polytopes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 5 (1990), no. 3, 305–322.
  8. Chaney, Robin W.: Piecewise $C^k$ functions in nonsmooth analysis. Nonlinear Anal. 15 (1990), no. 7, 649–660.
  9. Billera, Louis J.; Filliman, Paul; Sturmfels, Bernd: Constructions and complexity of secondary polytopes. Advances in Mathematics 83 (1990), no. 2, 155–179.
  10. Filliman, P.: The extreme projections of the regular simplex. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 317 (1990), no. 2, 611–629.
  11. Hartsfield, Nora; Ringel, Gerhard: Pearls in graph theory. A comprehensive introduction. Academic Press, Inc., Boston, MA, 1990. x+246 pp. ISBN: 0-12-328552-6

  12. Buck, Donna K.; Hildebrand, Francis H.: Math-o-graphs: critical thinking through graphing. Midwest Publications/Critical Thinking Press & Software, Pacific Grove, CA, 1990, v+169p.
  13. Mann, Richard; Zbiek, Rose Mary; Craswell, Keith J.: 11 October. The Mathematics Teacher 83, (1990) no. 2, pp. 87, 155-156.
  1. Ćurgus, B.; Dijksma, A.; Langer, H.; de Snoo, H.S.V.: Characteristic functions of unitary colligations and of bounded operators in Krein spaces. The Gohberg anniversary collection, Vol. II (Calgary, AB, 1988), 125–152, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 41, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1989.
  2. Furth, Dave; Sierksma, Gerard: The rank and eigenvalues of main diagonal perturbed matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra 25 (1989), no. 3, 191–204.
  3. Rosenfeld, Moshe: Desperately seeking the elusive, non-Hamiltonian simple 4-polytope. Combinatorial Mathematics: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (New York, 1985), 335–339, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 555, New York Acad. Sci., New York, 1989.
  4. Ćurgus, Branko: Definitizable extensions of positive symmetric operators in a Krein space. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 12 (1989), no. 5, 615–631.
  5. Chaney, R.W.: Optimality conditions for piecewise C2 nonlinear programming. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 61 (1989), no. 2, 179–202.
  6. de Almeida, A.R.C.; MacLeod, I.M.; Ypma, T.J.: Distributed-multirate methods for large weakly-coupled differential systems. Numerical ordinary differential equations (Albuquerque, NM, 1986). Appl. Math. Comput. 31 (1989), 18–39.
  7. Filliman, Paul: A metrical characterization of symmetric polytopes. Geom. Dedicata 30 (1989), no. 1, 81–91.
  8. Ćurgus, Branko; Langer, Heinz: A Krein space approach to symmetric ordinary differential operators with an indefinite weight function. Journal of Differential Equations 79 (1989), no. 1, 31–61.
  9. Duemmel, James: The Teaching of Mathematics: From Calculus to Number Theory. The American Mathematical Monthly 96 (1989), no. 2, 140–143
  10. Johnson, Jerry: Using Manipulatives as Problem Solving Tools, in J. Firkens’ (ed.) Manipulatives in the Mathematics Classroom (K-College). Washington State Mathematics Council, (1989), 1-7.
  11. Johnson, Jerry: Non-Random Thoughts on Teaching Probability (K-College), in D. Kamp’s (ed.) Making Choices, Taking Chances. Washington State Mathematics Council, (1989), 3-8.
  12. Johnson, Jerry: Matrices and One More Road to Follow. The Computing Teacher, April, (1989), 52-54.
  1. Filliman, P.: The largest projections of regular polytopes. Israel J. Math. 64 (1988), no. 2, 207–228.
  2. Chaney, Robin W.: Second-order sufficient conditions in nonsmooth optimization. Math. Oper. Res. 13 (1988), no. 4, 660–673.
  3. Jewett, Robert I.; Ross, Kenneth A.: Random walks on Z. The College Mathematics Journal 19 (1988), no. 4, 330–342.
  4. Filliman, Paul: Extremum problems for zonotopes. Geom. Dedicata 27 (1988), no. 3, 251–262.
  5. Reay, John: Can neighborly polyhedra be realized geometrically? Shaping space (Northampton, Mass., 1984), 251–253, 259, Design Sci. Collect., Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1988.
  6. Ding, Ren; Kolodziejczyk, Krzysztof; Reay, John: A new Pick-type theorem on the hexagonal lattice. Discrete Mathematics 68 (1988), no. 2-3, 171–177.
  7. Chaney, Robin W.: Second-order necessary conditions in semismooth optimization. Math. Programming 40 (1988), no. 1, (Ser. A), 95–109.
  8. Johnson, Jerry: Orleans Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test, in D. Keyser and R. Sweetland (eds.) Test Critiques Applied Topics: Academic Achievement and Aptitude and Test Critiques: Vol. VII. Kansas City, MO: Test Corporation of America. (1988), 389-397. Reprinted in V. Wilson (ed.) Academic Achievement and Aptitude Testing. Austin (TX): Pro-Ed, (1989), 252-260.
  9. Johnson, Jerry: Computers, Problem Solving, and a Belief. The Computing Teacher, December, (1988), 24-26.
  10. Johnson, Jerry: Graphing Packages for Mathematics Teachers: An Overview, The Computing Teacher, November, (1988), 50-53.
  11. Johnson, Jerry: Graphing Packages: The #1 Headache Reliever, The Computing Teacher, October, (1988), 34-36.
  12. Johnson, Jerry: Visual Thinking, Piaget, & Computers. The Computing Teacher, September, (1988), 47-49.
  13. Johnson, Jerry: Hands on Explorations of Geometrical Paradoxes, in C. Olsen's (ed.) Using Geometry to Develop Thoughtful Behavior in Mathematics. Washington State Mathematics Council, (1988), 78-82.
  14. Johnson, Jerry: Minimum Distance. NCTM Student Math Notes, March (1988). (Reprinted in E. Maletsky's (ed.) Teaching with Student Math Notes, Vol. 2. Reston (VA): National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, (1993), 51-56.)
  1. Ding, Ren; Reay, J.R.: Areas of lattice polygons, applied to computer graphics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Combinatorial Analysis and its Applications (Pokrzywna, 1985). Zastos. Mat. 19 (1987), no. 3-4, 547–556 (1988).
  2. Chaney, Robin W.: Second-order directional derivatives for nonsmooth functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 128 (1987), no. 2, 495–511.
  3. Chaney, Robin W.: Second-order necessary conditions in constrained semismooth optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 25 (1987), no. 4, 1072–1081.
  4. Ren, Ding; Reay, John R.: The boundary characteristic and Pick's theorem in the Archimedean planar tilings. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 44 (1987), no. 1, 110–119.
  5. Johnson, Jerry: Pushing Computing to the Limit, The Computing Teacher, October, (1987), 37-39.
  6. Johnson, Jerry: Procedural Programming Languages and the Learning of Mathematics, in D. C. Johnson and F. Lovis' (eds.) Informatics and the Teaching of Mathematics. Amsterdam: North Holland, (1987), 17-24.
  7. Johnson, Jerry: Microcomputers and Secondary Mathematics: A New Potential. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, Spring (1987), 5-18.
  8. Johnson, Jerry; Gilda, Bob: The Chocolate Chip Cookie Caper, Parts I & II. The Computing Teacher, March/April, (1987), 33-35, 57-59.
  1. Everitt, W.N.; Knowles, I.W.; Read, T.T.: Limit-point and limit-circle criteria for Sturm-Liouville equations with intermittently negative principal coefficients. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 103 (1986), no. 3-4, 215–228.
  2. Hinton, D.B.; Mingarelli, A.B.; Read, T.T.; Shaw, J.K.: On the number of eigenvalues in the spectral gap of a Dirac system. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 29 (1986), no. 3, 367–378.
  3. Hartsfield, Nora: The toroidal splitting number of the complete graph $K_n$. Discrete Mathematics 62 (1986), no. 1, 35–47.
  4. Read, Thomas T.: Balanced growth without constant returns to scale. J. Math. Econom. 15 (1986), no. 2, 171–178.
  5. Johnson, Jerry: A Second Helping of Pi. The Computing Teacher, October, (1986), 18-20.
  6. Johnson, Jerry: Geometry A La Transformations. The Computing Teacher, May, (1986), 33-36.
  7. Johnson, Jerry: It's April...Taxman Time! The Computing Teacher, April, (1986), 20-23.
  8. Johnson, Jerry: Motivate Your Students to Look...Beyond the Answer. The Computing Teacher, February, (1986), 24-27.
  1. Hartsfield, Nora; Jackson, Brad; Ringel, Gerhard: The splitting number of the complete graph. Graphs Combin. 1 (1985), no. 4, 311–329.
  2. Schwarz, Thomas: Special simple Jordan triple systems. Algebras Groups Geom. 2 (1985), no. 2, 117–128.
  3. Ballotti, Michael E.: Convergence rates for Wiener's theorem for contraction semigroups. Houston J. Math. 11 (1985), no. 4, 435–445.
  4. Read, Thomas T.: The deficiency indices of powers of second order expressions with large leading coefficient. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 101 (1985), no. 3-4, 227–235.
  5. Chaney, R.W.: On second derivatives for nonsmooth functions. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (1985), no. 11, 1189–1209.
  6. Ballotti, Michael E.: Aronszajn's theorem for a parabolic partial differential equation. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (1985), no. 11, 1183–1187.
  7. Read, Thomas T.: Elliptic equations without positive solutions. Journal of Differential Equations 58 (1985), no. 3, 381–390.
  8. Leonard, I. E.; Duemmel, James: The Teaching of Mathematics: More–and Moore–Power Series Without Taylor's Theorem. The American Mathematical Monthly 92 (1985), no. 8, 588–589.
  9. Johnson, Jerry: If Ann Landers were Asked Software Questions. The Computing Teacher, November, (1985), 26-28
  10. Johnson, Jerry: The Computer as a Tool is Not Enough. The Computing Teacher, October, (1985), 37-40.
  11. Johnson, Jerry: Memories are Meant to be Used. The Computing Teacher, September, (1985), 37-41.
  12. Johnson, Jerry: Impacts of an Algorithmics Theme on School Mathematics Curriculum, In Research Monograph: Student Programming and Algorithmics in Mathematics Learning and Teaching, Athens (GA): University of Georgia, (1985)
  13. Johnson, Jerry: Dr. Micro's Computer Teaching Kit: A Resource to Meet Individual Needs. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1985).
  14. Johnson, Jerry: Computer Problems of the Week Exploring BASIC. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1985), 65p. ISBN 0884882993.

  15. Johnson, Jerry: Computer Problems of the Week Exploring Numbers. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1985).
  16. Johnson, Jerry: Computer Problems of the Week Exploring Probability and Statistics. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1985).
  17. Johnson, Jerry: Computer Problems of the Week Exploring Apple Graphics. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1985), 65p. ISBN 0884882942.

  1. Read, Thomas T.: On the essential selfadjointness of powers of Schrφdinger operators. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 97 (1984), 233–246.
  2. Read, Thomas T.: Essential selfadjointness for powers of Schrφdinger operators. Differential equations (Birmingham, Ala., 1983), 471–476, North-Holland Math. Stud., 92, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.
  3. Schwarz, T.: Automorphism group of Jordan pairs. Algebras Groups Geom. 1 (1984), no. 4, 490–509.
  4. Ballotti, M.E.; Goldstein, J.A.: Wiener's theorem and semigroups of operators. Infinite-dimensional systems (Retzhof, 1983), 16–22, Lecture Notes in Math., 1076, Springer, Berlin, 1984.
  5. Hashisaki, Joseph: Theory and applications of mathematics for elementary school teachers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (New York) 1984. xxxv+402 pp. ISBN 0471096377

  6. Johnson, Jerry: Graphics Discoveries, Book I. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1984), 68 pages. ISBN 0884882683.

  7. Johnson, Jerry: Graphics Discoveries, Book II. Creative Publications, Palo Alto (CA), (1984), 74 pages. ISBN 0884882691.

  8. Johnson, Jerry: Computers and Hot Potatoes: Starch for Teacher Training Diets. Teacher Education Quarterly, Spring, (1984), 49-52.
  1. Kauffman, Robert M.: Factorization and the Friedrichs extension for ordinary differential operators. Ordinary differential equations and operators (Dundee, 1982), 257–266, Lecture Notes in Math., 1032, Springer, Berlin, 1983.
  2. Chaney, R.W.: A general sufficiency theorem for nonsmooth nonlinear programming. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 276 (1983), no. 1, 235–245.
  1. Chaney, Robin W.: A method of centers algorithm for certain minimax problems. Math. Programming 22 (1982), no. 2, 202–226.
  2. Chaney, R.W.: On sufficient conditions in nonsmooth optimization. Math. Oper. Res. 7 (1982), no. 3, 463–475.
  3. Chaney, R.W.: Second-order sufficiency conditions for nondifferentiable programming problems. SIAM J. Control Optim. 20 (1982), no. 1, 20–33.
  4. Read, Thomas T.: On the spectral theory of some nonsymmetric second-order differential operators. Ordinary differential equations and operators (Dundee, 1982), 407–426, Lecture Notes in Math., 1032, Springer, Berlin, 1983.
  5. Read, Thomas T.: The number of Dirichlet solutions of a fourth order differential equation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 92 (1982), no. 3-4, 233–239.
  6. Read, Thomas T.: Positivity and discrete spectra for differential operators. Journal of Differential Equations 43 (1982), no. 1, 1–27.
  7. Reay, John R.: Open problems around Radon's theorem. Convexity and related combinatorial geometry (Norman, Okla., 1980), pp. 151–172, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 76, Dekker, New York, 1982.
  1. Read, Thomas T.: Differential operators with discrete spectrum. Ordinary and partial differential equations (Proc. Sixth Conf., Univ. Dundee, Dundee, 1980), pp. 299–305, Lecture Notes in Math., 846, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1981
  2. Read, Thomas T.: Dirichlet solutions of fourth order differential equations. Spectral theory of differential operators (Birmingham, Ala., 1981), pp. 355–359, North-Holland Math. Stud., 55, North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York, 1981.
  3. Ruckle, William H.; Reay, John R.: Ambushing random walks. III. More continuous models. Oper. Res. 29 (1981), no. 1, 121–129.
  4. Doignon, Jean-Paul; Reay, John R.; Sierksma, Gerard: A Tverberg-type generalization of the Helly number of a convexity space. J. Geom. 16 (1981), no. 2, 117–125.
  5. Kauffman, Robert M.: A differentiability property and its application to the spectral theory of differential operators. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 88 (1981), no. 1-2, 49–74.
  6. Kauffman, Robert M.: A Weyl theory for a class of elliptic boundary value problems on a half space. Spectral theory of differential operators (Birmingham, Ala., 1981), pp. 267–278, North-Holland Math. Stud., 55, North-Holland, Amsterdam-New York, 1981
  7. Bradley, John S.; Hinton, Don B.; Kauffman, Robert M.: On the minimization of singular quadratic functionals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 87 (1980/81), no. 3-4, 193–208.
  8. Lindquist, Norman; Sierksma, Gerard: Extensions of set partitions. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 31 (1981), no. 2, 190–198.
  1. Chaney, Robin W.: Second-order optimality conditions for a class of nonlinear programming problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 76 (1980), no. 2, 516–534.
  2. Read, Thomas T.: Factorization and discrete spectra for second-order differential expressions. Journal of Differential Equations 35 (1980), no. 3, 388–406.
  3. Read, Thomas T.: Second-order differential equations with small solutions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 77 (1980), no. 1, 165–174.
  4. Reay, John R.: Several generalizations of Tverberg's theorem. Israel J. Math. 34 (1979), no. 3, 238–244 (1980).
  5. Bradley, John S.; Hinton, Don B.; Kauffman, Robert M.: On the minimization of singular quadratic functionals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 87 (1980/81), no. 3-4, 193–208.
  6. Kauffman, Robert M.: On the limit-$n$ classification of ordinary differential operators with positive coefficients. II. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 41 (1980), no. 3, 499–515.
  7. Kauffman, Robert M.: A spectral decomposition theorem and its application to higher-order nonselfadjoint differential operators in L2[a,8]. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 40 (1980), no. 3, 476–506.
  8. Chaney, R.W.; Goldstein, A.A.: On directions of e-steepest descent for real-valued Lipschitz continuous functions. Applicable Anal. 11 (1980/81), no. 1, 13–20.
  1. Read, Thomas T.: Higher order differential equations with small solutions. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 19 (1979), no. 1, 107–122.
  2. Reay, John R.: Twelve general position points always form three intersecting tetrahedra. Discrete Mathematics 28 (1979), no. 2, 193–199.
  3. Kauffman, Robert M.: The number of Dirichlet solutions to a class of linear ordinary differential equations. Journal of Differential Equations 31 (1979), no. 1, 117–129.
  1. Chaney, Robin; Goldstein, Allen: An extension of the method of subgradients. Nonsmooth optimization (Proc. IIASA Workshop, Laxenburg, 1977), pp. 51–70, IIASA Proc. Ser., 3, Pergamon, Oxford-New York, 1978.
  1. Kauffman, Robert M.; Read, Thomas T.; Zettl, Anton: The deficiency index problem for powers of ordinary differential expressions. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 621. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1977. iv+112 pp. ISBN: 3-540-08523-8

  2. Read, Thomas T.: A limit-point criterion for expressions with intermittently positive coefficients. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 15 (1977), no. 2, 271–276.
  3. Kauffman, Robert M.: On the limit-n classification of ordinary differential operators with positive coefficients. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 35 (1977), no. 3, 496–526.
  4. Kauffman, Robert M.: Disconjugacy and the limit-point condition for fourth-order operators. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 76 (1976/77), no. 1, 77–80.
  5. Chaney, R.W.: A hybrid algorithm for nonlinear programming. SIAM J. Control Optimization 15 (1977), no. 3, 384–399.
  6. Schiff, J.L.: Ideal boundaries of a Riemann surface for the equation $\Delta u=Pu$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 66 (1977), no. 1, 57–61.
  7. Schiff, J.L.: On a set of poles at the Wiener boundary. The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 7 (1977), no. 2, 365–368.
  1. Read, Thomas T.: A limit-point criterion for $-(py')'+qy$. Ordinary and partial differential equations (Proc. Fourth Conf., Univ. Dundee, Dundee, 1976), pp. 383–390. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 564, Springer, Berlin, 1976.
  2. Read, T.T.: Limit-point criteria for polynomials in a non-oscillatory expression. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 76 (1976/77), no. 1, 13–29.
  3. Read, Thomas T.: A limit-point criterion for expressions with oscillatory coefficients. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 66 (1976), no. 1, 243–255.
  4. Read, Thomas T.: Bounds and quantitative comparison theorems for nonoscillatory second order differential equations. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 63 (1976), no. 1, 231–245.
  5. Read, Thomas T.: Perturbations of limit-circle expressions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 56 (1976), 108–110.
  6. Kauffman, Robert M.: On the limit-n classification of ordinary differential operators with positive coefficients. Ordinary and partial differential equations (Proc. Fourth Conf., Univ. Dundee, Dundee, 1976), pp. 259–266. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 564, Springer, Berlin, 1976.
  7. Kauffman, Robert M.: Disconjugacy and the limit-point condition for fourth-order operators. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 76 (1976/77), no. 1, 77–80.
  8. Chaney, R.W.: On the Pironneau-Polak method of centers. J. Optimization Theory Appl. 20 (1976), no. 3, 269–295.
  9. Chaney, R.W.: On the rate of convergence of some feasible direction algorithms. J. Optimization Theory Appl. 20 (1976), no. 3, 297–313.
  10. Schiff, J.L.: Isomorphisms between harmonic and $P$-harmonic Hardy spaces on Riemann surfaces. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 62 (1976), no. 2, 551–560.
  1. Read, Thomas T.: Exponential solutions of $y''+(r-q)y=0$ and the least eigenvalue of Hill's equation. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 50 (1975), 273–280.
  2. Read, Thomas T.: On the limit point condition for polynomials in a second order differential expression. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 10 (1975), 357–366.
  3. Jewett, Robert I.: Spaces with an abstract convolution of measures. Advances in Mathematics 18 (1975), no. 1, 1–101.
  4. Kauffman, Robert M.: Gaps in the essential spectrum for second order systems. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 51 (1975), 55–61.
  5. Kauffman, Robert M.: On the growth of solutions in the oscillatory case. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 51 (1975), 49–54.
  6. Kauffman, Robert M.: Polynomials and the limit point condition. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 201 (1975), 347–366.
  7. Chalice, Donald R.: A uniqueness property for measures on $C^n$. Portugal. Math. 34 (1975), no. 1-2, 25–32.
  8. Hildebrand, Francis H.; Johnson, Cheryl G.: Finite mathematics. 2d ed., Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1975, vii+535p, ISBN 0871501694.

  1. Read, T.T.: Exponential estimates for solutions of $y''-q^2y=0$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 45 (1974), 332–338.
  2. Read, T.T.: Growth and decay of solutions of $y^{(2n)}-p y=0$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 43 (1974), 127–132.
  3. Kauffman, Robert M.: A rule relating the deficiency indices of $L^j$ to those of $L^k$. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 74 (1974/75), 115–118 (1976).
  4. Read, T.T.: Sequences of deficiency indices. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 74 (1974/75), 157–164 (1976).
  5. Atneosen, Gail H.: Sierpinski curves in finite 2-complexes. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 50 (1974), 1–5.
  6. Craswell, Keith J.: Why Isn't Penny Flipping Fairer? The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 5 (1974) no. 3, 18–19.
  7. Craswell, Keith J.: Just How Crowded? The Mathematics Teacher 67 (1974) no. 7, 609.
  1. Barnette, David; Reay, John R.: Projections of $f$-vectors of four-polytopes. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 15 (1973), 200–209.
  2. Kauffman, Robert M.: Two types of hyperinvariant subspaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 39 (1973), 553–558.
  3. Chalice, Donald R.: $S$-algebras on sets in $C^n$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 39 (1973), 300–304.
  4. Hu, Tah Kai: Locally equational classes of universal algebras. Chinese J. Math. 1 (1973), no. 2, 143–165.
  5. Barnette, David; Reay, John R.: Projections of f-vectors of four-polytopes. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 15 (1973), 200–209.
  6. Craswell, Keith J.: How to Find a Needle in a Haystack. The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 4 (1973) no. 3, 18–22.
  7. Craswell, Keith J.: An Interesting Penny Game. The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal 4 (1973) no. 1, 18–24.
  1. Kauffman, Robert M.: Compactness of the inverse of the minimal operator for a class of ordinary differential expressions. J. Reine Angew. Math. 257 (1972), 91–99.
  2. Kauffman, Robert M.: Unitary groups and commutators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 33 1972 95–100.
  3. Chalice, Donald R.: On a theorem of Rudin. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 35 (1972), 296–297.
  4. Hu, Tah Kai: On the topological duality for primal algebra theory. Algebra Universalis 1 (1971/72), 152–154.
  5. Hu, Tah Kai: Characterization of algebraic functions in equational classes generated by independent primal algebras. Algebra Universalis 1 (1971/72), 187–191.
  6. Atneosen, Gail H.: One-dimensional $n$-leaved continua. Fund. Math. 74 (1972), no. 1, 43–45.
  7. Hashisaki, Joseph: Mathematical Education: The MAA and the Two-Year College. The American Mathematical Monthly 79 (1972), no. 3, 296–301.
  8. Witter, George E.: The structure of mathematics; an introduction. 2d ed. Xerox College Pub. Lexington, Mass., 1972, xi, 404 pages.
  1. Read, T.T.: The powers of a maximal ideal in a Banach algebra and analytic structure. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 161 (1971), 235–248.
  2. Kauffman, Robert M.: Unitary groups and differential operators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 30 1971 102–106.
  3. Chalice, Donald R.: Restrictions of Banach function spaces. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 39 (1971), 593–602.
  4. Hu, Tah Kai; Kelenson, Philip: Independence and direct factorization of universal algebras. Mathematische Nachrichten 51 (1971), 83–99.
  5. Hashisaki, Joseph: The MAA and the Mathematics Teacher in the Two-Year College. The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal, 2, (1971), no. 2, 63-68.
  6. Lindquist, Norman F.: How Are Computers Being Used in Two-Year Colleges? The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal, 2 (1971), no. 1, 71.
  7. Lane, Bennie L.; Hildebrand, Francis H.; Johnson, Cheryl G.: Programmed guide to accompany Finite mathematics. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1971, 184 pages.
  1. Levin, Richard G.; Tamura, Takayuki: Notes on commutative power joined semigroups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 35 (1970) 673–679.
  2. Froderberg, Albert: Reviews: Topology. The American Mathematical Monthly 77 (1970), no. 6, 665.
  3. Froderberg, Albert: Reviews: Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space. The American Mathematical Monthly 77 (1970), no. 5, 543
  4. Gray, Neil R.: On the conjecture $^{x}\approx I^{\omega }$. Fund. Math. 66 (1969/1970) 45–52.
  5. Reay, John R.: Caratheodory theorems in convex product structures. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 35 (1970) 227–230.
  6. Atneosen, Gail H.: An application of simplicial homology theory. The American Mathematical Monthly 77 (1970) 381–384.
  7. Atneosen, Gail H.: Wild points of cellular arcs in $2$-complexes in $E^3$ and cellular hulls. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 33 (1970) 551–553.
  8. McMullen, P.: The maximum numbers of faces of a convex polytope. Mathematika 17 (1970) 179–184.
  9. Hall, T.: C. F. Gauss. Froderberg, Albert translator. MIT Press , 1970. 208 pp. ISBN-10: 0262080400.
  1. Kauffman, Robert M.: Completely continuous inverses of ordinary differential operators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 22 (1969), 657–659.
  2. Chalice, Donald R.: Characterizations for approximately normal algebras. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 20 (1969) 415–419.
  3. Duemmel, James: Classroom Notes: Continuous Dependence on Parameters. The American Mathematical Monthly 76 (1969), no. 3, 294–295
  4. Gray, Neil: A new characterization of ${\rm AR}({\mathfrak M})$ and ${\rm ANR}({\mathfrak M})$. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1969) 607–609.
  5. Hu, Tah Kai: Stone duality for primal algebra theory. Math. Z. 110 (1969) 180–198.
  6. Hu, Tah Kai: On the fundamental subdirect factorization theorems of primal algebra theory. Math. Z. 112 (1969) 154–162.
  7. Hu, Tah Kai: Weak products of simple universal algebras. Mathematische Nachrichten 42 (1969) 157–171.
  8. Bonnice, William E.; Reay, John R.: Relative interiors of convex hulls. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 20 (1969) 246–250.
  9. Peterson J.A.; Hashisaki, J.: Teorνa de la Aritmιtica. Mιxico. Limusa. 1969, 383p.
  10. Hildebrand, Francis H.; Johnson, Cheryl G.: Calculus and finite mathematics. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1969, ix+468p, ISBN 0871500606.

  11. Hildebrand, Francis H.: A prime quotient study for junior high school students. The Arithmetic Teacher 16 (1969) no. 8, 21-626.
  12. Rygg, P.; Lehman, B.: A note on an equivalence relation on a purely inseparable field extension. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Bulletin Canadien de Mathιmatiques 12 (1969) 175–178.
  1. Levin, Richard G.: On commutative, nonpotent archimedean semigroups. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 27 (1968) 365–371.
  2. Gray, Neil: Note on a paper of Wojdyslawski. Fund. Math. 63 (1968) 215–216.
  3. Hu, Tah Kai: Residually simple and characteristically simple universal algebras. Mathematische Nachrichten 36 (1968) 333–344.
  4. Reay, John R.: An extension of Radon's theorem. Illinois J. Math. 12 (1968) 184–189.
  5. Chaney, Robin W.: A chain rule for the transformation of integrals in measure space. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 25 (1968) 33–57.
  1. Gray, Neil R.: Unstable points in the hyperspace of connected subsets. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 23 (1967) 515–520.
  2. Reay, John R.: Positive bases as a tool in convexity. 1967 Proc. Colloquium on Convexity (Copenhagen, 1965) pp. 255–260 Kobenhavns Univ. Mat. Inst., Copenhagen
  3. Geyer, E.P.; Reay, J.R.: Intersection bases of convex cones. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 16 (1967) 346–352.
  4. Peterson, John A.; Hashisaki, Joseph: Theory of arithmetic. 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1967, xiv+337 pages.
  5. Lister, Frederick M.: Simplifying intersections of disks in Bing's side approximation theorem. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 22 (1967) 281–295.
  6. Witter, George E.: Wiskunde: inleiding tot de axiomastelsels. Translated by C. van der Linden. Het Spectrum, Utrecht, Antwerpen, 1967, 351 pages.
  1. Reay, J.R.: Unique minimal representations with positive bases. The American Mathematical Monthly 73 1966 253–261.
  2. Bonnice, William E.; Reay, John R.: Interior points of convex hulls. Israel J. Math. 4 (1966) 243–248.
  3. Peterson, John A.; Hashisaki, Joseph: Patterns in Arithmetic. Arithmetic Teacher 13 (1966) 209-212.
  4. Chaney, R.W.: Decomposition theorems for weight functions in the transformation theory for measure space. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 15 (1966) 98–128.
  5. Chaney, Robin W.: On the transformation of integrals in measure space. Pacific Journal of Mathematics 19 (1966) 229–242.
  6. Lister, Frederick M.; Rio, Sheldon T.; Sanders, Walter J.: Freshman mathematics for university students. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966, xii, 448 pages.
  1. Sanderson, D.F.: A generalization of divisibility and injectivity in modules. Canad. Math. Bull. 8 (1965) 505–513.
  2. Reay, John R.: Generalizations of a theorem of Carathιodory. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. no. 54 (1965) 50 pages.
  3. Reay, John R.: A new proof of the Bonice-Klee theorem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 (1965) 585–587.
  4. Chaney, R.W.: Measurability theorems in the transformation theory for measure space. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 14 (1965) 309–323.
  1. Witter, George E.: Mathematics: the study of axiom systems. Blaisdell Pub. Co., New York, NY, 1964.
  1. Peterson, John A., Hashisaki, Joseph: Theory of arithmetic. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York and London, 1963. xiv+303pp.
  2. Witter, George E.: Mathematics: the study of axiom systems. Western Washington State College, Bellingham, WA; Blaisdell Pub. Co., New York, NY, 1963.
  3. Rio, Sheldon T.; Sanders, Walter J.: Mathematics Programs for the Training of Elementary Teachers. The American Mathematical Monthly 70 (1963) no. 1, 89-91.
  4. Rygg, Paul T.: On minimal sets of generators of purely inseparable field extensions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 14 (1963) 742–745.
  1. Rio, Sheldon T.; Sanders, Walter J.: Interval graphing. The Mathematics Teacher 54 (1961) no. 4, 194-200.
  1. Gelder, Harvey M.: Instructional Practices Which Promote Critical Thinking, in Effective Practices in a Program of General Education, Edited by Lucy Kangley, W. C. Brown Co., 1954, pp. 18-19.
  1. Gelder, Harvey M.: The Nature of Critical Thinking in General Education, in Proceedings of the Northwest Conference on General Education, Western Washington College of Education, Bellingham, Washington, 1952, 104 pp.
  1. Bond, Elias A.: Why study mathematics? The Mathematics Teacher, February 1946, 51-58.
  1. Bond, Elias A.: A proper balance between social arithmetic and a science of arithmetic. The Mathematics Teacher, November 1942, 313-315.
  2. Bond, Elias A.: What the schools should do to further defense. The Mathematics Teacher, December 1942, 372-377.
  1. Bond, Elias A.: Improving instruction in arithmetic. The Mathematics Teacher, May 1940, 195-209.
  1. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 8. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1939, xvi-272pp.
  1. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 3. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1938, xvi+259p.
  2. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 4. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1938, xvi+260p.
  3. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 5. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1938, xvi+259p.
  4. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 6. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1938, xvi+271p.
  5. Bond, Elias A.; Reynolds, Rollo G.; Shuster, Carl N.; West, Roscoe L.: Real life arithmetic. Grade 7. C. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1938, xvi+272p.
  1. Bond, Elias A.: Recent Changes in Point of View Relating to the Teaching of Arithmetic. The Mathematics Teacher, 30, no. 4 (April 1937), pp. 175-179. stable link
  1. Bond, Elias A.: The professional treatment of the subject matter of arithmetic for teacher-training institutions, grades I to VI. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1934, 315p.
  1. Bond, Elias A.: Significant Digits in Computation with Approximate Numbers. The Mathematics Teacher, 24, no. 4 (April 1931), pp. 208-212. stable link
  1. Kelley, Truman L.; Salisbury, Frank S.: An Iteration Method for Determining Multiple Correlation Constants. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 21 no. 155 (Sep., 1926), 282-292. DOI:10.2307/2277056
  1. Kolstad, Arthur: Arithmetic Ability of Men in the Army and of Children in the Public Schools. The Journal of Educational Research, 5 no. 2 (Feb., 1922), 97-111. stable:

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