Example 1. Let $a \in \mathbb{R}.$ Find the solution of the initial value problem \begin{align*} \frac{dX}{ds}(s) & = 1 \\ \frac{dY}{ds}(s) & = -X(s) \\ \end{align*} subject to the initial conditions \begin{align*} X(0) & = a \\ Y(0) & = 0 \\ \end{align*} Here \(X(s)\) and \(Y(s)\) are unknown functions of one variable \(s\). We use what is learned in an Ordinary Differential Equations course for find a solution.
Solution. The solution of this system is a pair of functions $X(s) = s+a,$ $Y(s) = (-1/2)s^2 - a s,$ with $s \in \mathbb{R}.$ In \(xy\)-plane this pair of functions provides the parametric equation of the parabola \[ (x,y) = \bigl(X(s), Y(s) \bigr) = \bigl(s+a , (-1/2)s^2 - a s \bigr), \quad s \in \mathbb{R}. \] Solving \(x= s+a\) for \(s\) and substituting in \(y = (-1/2)s^2 - a s\) we obtain the equation for this parabola in \(xy\)-coordinates: $y = (-1/2)(x^2 - a^2).$ Since $a \in \mathbb{R}$ is arbitrary, we in fact have a family of parabolas which are obtained by the vertical shift of the parabola $y=(-1/2)x^2$ up by $(1/2)a^2.$
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