The context of all questions in Problem 5 is the vector space \(\mathscr{L}\bigl(\mathscr{P}_n\bigr)\), the space of all linear operators on the vector space of all polynomials of degree at most \( n \) with coefficients in \( \mathbb{R} \). However, in this context, it is essential to rewrite all statements explicitly in terms of polynomials, including the variable and all relevant quantifiers.
In part (a), one should aim for the simplest possible proof. Applying heavy theorems from Mathematical Analysis to polynomials seems inappropriate. One-line proofs that merely cite a major theorem should, in my opinion, be avoided. If using such a theorem is absolutely unavoidable, one should review and cite it in full detail. Proofs from first principles are always preferable.
We use the following notation: \(\mathbb{N}\) denotes the set of positive integers, and \(\mathbb{F}\) represents a scalar field, which is either \(\mathbb{R}\) or \(\mathbb{C}\). Let \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\). We consider finite-dimensional vector spaces \(\mathscr{V}\) and \(\mathscr{W}\) over \(\mathbb{F}\), with \(\dim \mathscr{V} = m\) and \(\dim \mathscr{W} = n\). The vector space of all \(m\)-tuples of elements in \(\mathscr{V}\) is denoted by \(\mathcal{V}^m\). Throughout the post below, all subsets of vector spaces are denoted using calligraphic letters, such as \(\mathscr{A}\), \(\mathscr{B}\), and \(\mathscr{C}\).
The vectors in abstract vector spaces are denoted by lowercase Latin letters, such as \(a, b, v, w\), while vectors in \(\mathbb{F}^m\), which are represented as \(m\)-tuples, are written in bold lowercase Latin letters, such as \(\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}, \mathbf{x}\).
In displayed formulas, we will use the following logical symbols: \(\land\) (conjunction) for "and", \(\lor\) (disjunction) for "or", \(\exists\) (existential quantifier) for "there exists", \(\forall\) (universal quantifier) for "for all", \(\Rightarrow\) (implication) for "implies", \(\Leftrightarrow\) (logical equivalence) for "if and only if".
In a preceding ■ item we introduced the isomorphism \[ \mathscr{W}^m \ni \mathscr{C} \ \mapsto \ L_{\mathscr{C}}^{\mathscr{B}} \in \mathscr{L}( \mathscr{V},\mathscr{W}), \] where \(\mathscr{V}\) and \(\mathscr{W}\) are finite-dimensional vector spaces over \(\mathbb{F}\) with \( \dim \mathscr{V} = m\) and \( \dim \mathscr{W} = n\), \(\mathscr{B} \in \mathscr{V}^m\) is a fixed basis of \(\mathscr{V}\) and \(\mathscr{C} \in \mathscr{W}^m\) is a "variable" \(m\)-tuple consisting of vectors in \(\mathscr{W}\).
Let \(m, n \in \mathbb{N}\) and let us specialize the isomorphism in the preceding paragraph for the most popular vector spaces \(\mathscr{V} = \mathbb{F}^m\) and \(\mathscr{W} = \mathbb{F}^n\). For a fixed basis of \(\mathbb{F}^m\), again we choose the most popular basis \(\mathscr{E}_m\) introduced in a different preceding ■ item.
Below, I present a remarkable example of a proof using the Principle of Mathematical Induction. This proof appears as Example 4.5 in the book:
A student recently stopped by my office to discuss Problem 3 on Assignment 1. In the narrative accompanying this problem, I hint that polar coordinates might be a useful tool.
Polar coordinates often prove invaluable. For example, working with complex numbers, via Euler's identity, see the end of the post today.
Over the years, I have noticed that students often approach polar coordinates with a certain degree of overconfidence. However, this topic warrants careful attention. As is often said in discussions about Large Language Models: Attention is All You Need.
For the proof of the Polar Coordinates Theorem, let \((x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) and solve the equations \(x= r \cos\theta \) and \(y = r \sin\theta\) for \(r \gt 0\) and \(\theta\in (-\pi,\pi]\).
I. First solve the equations \(x= r \cos\theta \) and \(y = r \sin\theta\) for \(r \gt 0\). We have \begin{align*} 0 \lt x^2 + y^2 & = (r \cos\theta)^2 + (r \sin\theta)^2 \\ & = r^2 \bigl( (\cos\theta)^2 + (\sin\theta)^2 \bigr) \\ & = r^2. \end{align*} Thus, since \(r \gt 0\), \[ r = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}. \]
II. With the result from I, the point \(\Bigl(\dfrac{x}{r},\dfrac{y}{r}\Bigr)\) is a point on the unit circle. By the definitions of the trigonometric functions cosine and sine there exists a unique \(\theta \in (-\pi,\pi]\) such that \[ \cos\theta = \frac{x}{r} \quad \text{and} \quad \sin\theta = \frac{y}{r}. \] Let us calculate \(\theta \in (-\pi,\pi]\) in terms of \(x\) and \(y\). Notice that for all \((x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) we have \[ \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}} \in [-1,1]; \] that is \( \dfrac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}\) is in the domain of the inverse trigonometric function \(\arccos:[-1,1] \to [0,\pi]\). This observation is the key for this proof.
III. If \(y \geq 0\), then by the definition of the inverse trigonometric function \(\arccos:[-1,1] \to [0,\pi]\) we have \[ \theta = \arccos\biggl( \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}} \biggr) \in [0,\pi]. \] Let us prove that this \(\theta \in [0,\pi]\) is the solution that we seek. With this \(\theta \in [0,\pi]\) we have \(\cos\theta = \frac{x}{r}\). Furthermore, since \((\cos\theta)^2 + (\sin\theta)^2=1\), we have \[ (\sin\theta)^2 = 1 - \frac{x^2}{x^2+y^2} = \frac{y^2}{x^2+y^2}. \] As both \(\sin\theta \geq 0\) and \(y \geq 0\), we deduce \(\sin\theta = \frac{y}{r}\), and thus \[ \cos\theta = \frac{x}{r} \quad \text{and} \quad \sin\theta = \frac{y}{r} \geq 0, \] the desired equalities hold.
IV. If \(y \lt 0\), then, with the above defined \(\theta\), we have \(\theta \in (0,\pi)\) and, by the calculations in III, \[ \cos\theta = \frac{x}{r} \quad \text{and} \quad \sin\theta = \frac{|y|}{r} \gt 0. \] Therefore, with \(-\theta \in (-\pi,0)\) we have \[ \cos(-\theta) = \cos\theta = \frac{x}{r} \quad \text{and} \quad \sin(-\theta) = -\sin\theta = -\frac{|y|}{r} = \frac{y}{r} \lt 0, \] the desired equalities again hold.
V. Since \[ 2\operatorname{us}(y) - 1 = \begin{cases} \phantom{-}1 & \text{if} \quad y \geq 0, \\ -1 & \text{if} \quad y \lt 0, \end{cases} \] we can unify the results from III and IV and set \[ \theta = \bigl(2\operatorname{us}(y) - 1\bigr) \arccos\biggl( \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}} \biggr). \] If \(y \geq 0\), then, by III, we have \(x= r \cos\theta \) and \(y = r \sin\theta\). If \(y \lt 0\), then, by IV, we have \(x= r \cos\theta \) and \(y = r \sin\theta\). In conclusion with \(\theta\) given in the last displayed equality we have both desired equalties regardless of the sign of \(y\).
This completes the proof of the Polar Coordinates Theorem.
Since I spent all this space on the details of polar coordinates, let me recall that in the context of complex numbers there is standard terminology for all four real numbers \(x\), \(y\), \(r\), \(\theta\) introduced in the Polar Coordinates Theorem.
\(z= x + \mathrm{i}\mkern 2mu y = r e^{\mathrm{i}\mkern 2mu\theta}\) | Terminology | Notation |
\(x\) | the real part of \(z\) | \(\operatorname{Re}(z)\) |
\(y\) | the imaginary part of \(z\) | \(\operatorname{Im}(z)\) |
\(r\) | the modulus of \(z\) | \(|z|\) |
\(\theta\) | the principal argument of \(z\) | \(\operatorname{Arg}(z)\) |
The website Argument (complex analysis) - Wikipedia distinguishes the principal value of the argument, denoted by \(\operatorname{Arg}(z)\), and the multivalued function \(\arg(z)\). I have seen \(\arg(z)\) used as the notation for the principal value.
I am proud to promote the simple formula for the principal value of the argument: \(\theta = \operatorname{Arg}(z) \in (-\pi,\pi]\) using the Unit Step function: For \(\mathbb{C}\setminus\{0\}\) we have \[ \theta = \operatorname{Arg}(z) = \Bigl(2\operatorname{us}\bigl(\operatorname{Im}(z)\bigr) - 1\Bigr) \arccos\biggl( \frac{\operatorname{Re}(z)}{|z|} \biggr). \]
For \((x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\), compare this simple formula to the function \(\operatorname{arctan2}\) at Computing from the real and imaginary part - Wikipedia \[ \operatorname{Arg}(x + iy) = \operatorname{atan2}(y,\, x) = \begin{cases} \arctan\left(\frac y x\right) &\text{if } x \gt 0, \\[5mu] \arctan\left(\frac y x\right) + \pi &\text{if } x \lt 0 \text{ and } y \ge 0, \\[5mu] \arctan\left(\frac y x\right) - \pi &\text{if } x \lt 0 \text{ and } y \lt 0, \\[5mu] +\frac{\pi}{2} &\text{if } x = 0 \text{ and } y \gt 0, \\[5mu] -\frac{\pi}{2} &\text{if } x = 0 \text{ and } y \lt 0. \end{cases} \] I am not sure why they use \(\arctan\) when \(\arccos\) is much simpler: \[ \operatorname{atan2}(y,\, x) = \bigl(2\operatorname{us}(y) - 1\bigr) \arccos\biggl( \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}} \biggr). \] My only explanation is that they are afraid of \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\).
Since I often rewrite, to celebrate thinking, writing, and teaching, I created my own saying
I came, I thought, I wrote, I taught, I thought more, I rewrote.
Can you please write a complete LaTeX file with instructions on using basic mathematical operations, like fractions, sums, integrals, basic functions, like cosine, sine, and exponential function, and how to structure a document and similar features? Please explain the difference between the inline and displayed mathematical formulas. Please include examples of different ways of formatting displayed mathematical formulas. Please include what you think would be useful to a mathematics student. Also, can you please include your favorite somewhat complicated mathematical formula as an example of the power of LaTeX? I emphasize I want a complete file that I can copy into the LaTeX compiler and compile into a pdf file. Please ensure that your document contains the code for the formulas you are writing, which displays both as code separately from compiled formulas. Also, please double-check that your code compiles correctly. Remember that I am a beginner and cannot fix the errors. Please act as a concerned teacher would do.
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You can ask ChatGPT for specific LaTeX advise. To get a good response, think carefully about your prompt. Also, you can offer to ChatGPT a sample of short mathematical writing from the web or a book as a PNG file and it convert that writing to LaTeX. You can even try with neat handwriting. The results will of course depend on the clarity of the file, ChatGPT makes mistakes, but I found it incredibly useful.